The Imperfection Lady Y

Y Her Love Starts. .

Rules...? Y

1.Flood My TagBoard XD
2.Have Fun ^_^
3.Obey All Rules =]

The Lady Y

Name: Janice Foo F.W 方玮
Age: 21+
Gender: Female(Straight)
DOB: 23Sept'88

My Tender Y

My "children"
Him =)

The Desires Y

Get GR8 Grades
Be with him
Go To NewYork(NY)& Boston
Always Happy

The Words Y

It's Better To Have Love & Lost, Than To Have Not Love At All
Happiness & Blessings Are Not To Be Taken For Granted, They Do Not Come By Easily

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 - Free Online Dating

More Than Words Y

Sweet Exits Y

Louis Landon website
Louis Landon Blog
Tess Gerritsen
Diana Hunter
Xiao Yu
Yi Hong
[AMK]My Class'04
Xin Yi
Wen Hui
Li Wen
Han Jie

[ECH] My Class_D02'06
Proj Odyssey
Foong Ling
Jia Min

Habbo Frenz
Ah Sam
Ah Luv
Ah Lone

My Memories

December 2005; January 2006; February 2006; March 2006; April 2006; May 2006; June 2006; July 2006; August 2006; September 2006; October 2006; November 2006; December 2006; February 2007; March 2007; April 2007; May 2007; June 2007; July 2007; August 2007; September 2007; October 2007; November 2007; December 2007; January 2008; February 2008; March 2008; April 2008; May 2008; June 2008; July 2008; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; June 2009; July 2009; August 2009; September 2009; October 2009; November 2009; December 2009; January 2010; February 2010; March 2010; April 2010; May 2010; June 2010; July 2010; August 2010;

Her Aligatoh Y

Layout: Lady
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Tag-Board: ChatterBox.
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Cursor: dorischu

Monday, August 31, 2009 Y

Monday... Teacher's Day celebration throughout almost everywhere as far as I know. Got invited about 2 weeks ago to attend a dinner celebration with the teachers and staffs from HUA Language Centre. Today was that day.

Was smashed right after school and it was only 12+ Headed home to get some stuff done and felt really tired and lethargic to even step out of the house again to do my project, but I still did, because it's school. Right after that, the tireness totally doubled. I have no idea why, probably the weather played a part to make me so sleepy. Just cooling enough with minimal showers. =)

It was a little early for me, and a little weird when I reached the centre, so went into Principal Huang's office to have a little chit-chat :p Then off to Sakura. The awkwardness tripled! 7 Tables and I dunno where to sit, so sat down with Principal Huang. It was so weird, cos I was officially the YOUNGEST among EVERYONE, and i only know less than a handful of teachers + staffs there. The mixing of groups helped a bit, so a few engaging conversations here and there. A few on the topic that I can TOTALLY relate to: Early Childhood Education =) Which was good.

It was really fun to be there, a new experience for me, being the new kid in the block, literally.... At least till the end, I know more of them, so not too bad still. Hahahahhahahaha, trying to make myself feel better by telling that to myself :p


Y The Lady @
9:45 PM

Sunday, August 30, 2009 Y

BBQ @ Janel's place.. it was fun. :) Haven't seen those guys for a LONG time, hahaha, besides YangThong and JiaJi... Cos they're both from 4J like me, so we usually have our 4J Gatherings. I could still recognize ALL the faces, but couldn't remember a few names =X Hahahaha... Not many changed alot, some did. Most of us remained pretty much the same (cos quite easy to recognize).

Supposed to have our Pri 5 and Pri 6 form teachers to join us, but 1 had something on and the other doesn't seem to be interested in BBQ... It was nice, a change for me, to NOT stand at the BBQ Pit and BBQ..Hahaha, we had the guys serving us food. Thanks! :D

Left at around 9+, in time to get home, washed up and hang out with Mac on WoW as planned. =) Took a few pictures, not as many as how I usually take, because we're more incline to catch up more than taking pictures. It was really nice to see all of them again, at least half the class showed up!

Many thanks to our organzer Jia Ji, and Janel who rented the pit for us. =)

Y The Lady @
3:24 PM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Y

It's a sad thing to see water, a source of live considered for many people living on Earth all over the world, being polluted every day mercilessly just like that. And we just keep on living our lives as though nothing is happening. The people of India still has this mindset that The Ganges is a holy water source; no matter how polluted she is, she is still clean and pure and has the ability to clense itself. I can't bear to see that people are polluting the river, yet they're still bathing and drinking from it, the same river!

And that Chang Jiang has turned from its ideal green grass and blue waters scenery into a green-and-brown grass and murky waters scenery. It's being polluted, and by clensing it could cause floods over industrials areas pouring MORE wastes into the already-polluted river, as well as destroying homes of the people who lived near the river. And the Mekong River was said to be like the Mother of all Rivers, but overfishing had caused it to become just a river without its 'life'...

Whatever we do, we're doing harm to the environment, whether if we're polluting or trying to process the pollutants into harmless thingy. Geez......... Every single day we're doing something to pollute the environment, sad to say I'm one of them. We all are. So I think it's important where we play our part in anti-pollute the world, or at least cut down if anti-polluting it is impossible.

Y The Lady @
5:55 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009 Y

Random thoughts... Did some research on Sungi Buolo (dunno how to spell), and now slacking off thinking abt alot of random things...

1st: WoW. I'm not a fan of fantasy games, and one reason WoW didn't appeal to me was that it seems complicated, and costly (extension packs). But after like 1-2hrs of convo about WoW, it's kinda interesting.... And the pace now is so slow that it made me want to jump into this game like right now. But, nah.... Shall wait till end of Extension Weeks to start, or somewhere near the end. At least during that 2weeks of void spaces in September where I'm alone, maybe WoW can accompany me~

2nd: During class Sam was telling us abt this talk, post National Day Rally talk for youths. First reaction when I heard: Oh, there's actually something like this this year. Youths invited to speak. Seems nice... And for ppl who really shines in public speaking. Not my kind of thing, lol. Though I have to agree, the thinking of youths does affect how Singapore progress in the future.

3rd: Flying overseas... So sad that I started thinking abt flights out of Singapore. Wish time would just go faster, and it's the end of my whole Bach Degree Course. I'm adament, determined, resolved to save enough money to go to Europe! Not alone of course, but probably with my Mom maybe... I have a 'tourguide cum translator' in mind anyway. ;) I don't care anymore! I think studying Bach for so long and so hard (will be going to do that and ALREADY doing that), deserves a good break at the end. We all do!

4th: School........... Alot of mixed feelings. It's so tough, it's so fast, it's so easy, it's so slow. Geez~ Humans are so weird, or maybe it's just us. We longed for the days when we're buried deep in assignments and gasping for air or time to just take breaks. HAH! So very interesting.

5th: Yvonne's birthday. It'll be fun going as pixie or fairy or something, but 'cuteness' isn't my thing, lol. Gonna be a packed day for me..... from Morning till Evening... Whew!

End of random thoughts... CSI:NY? Or Portfolio? *wonders*

Y The Lady @
9:10 PM

Sunday, August 23, 2009 Y

First time watching a cartoon video during my class... Hahahha. I wondered what kind of video would it be.. In English? In Mandarin? Cartoon most probably? Well... cartoon was right, but it was in neither English nor Chinese. neither was it in Malay or Tamil.. I've got no idea what language it was on.

Well... the younger kids enjoyed the show, the older ones, not so much. I enjoyed it, since it's cartoon. I guess the child-like quality is important to enjoy a cartoon that's er... a little silly? :p

Y The Lady @
3:37 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009 Y

Some surprises are good, some are bad, some leave you happy, some leave you mad. THIS surprise was REALLY a surprise... And I don't mean the good kind, or the happy kind. -.-

So... usual Saturday, woke up, did some tuition prep work, then shower and go out. And saw my distant relative visiting from China. Hello there. So far so good, nothing surprising yet. The surprise came in the evening, when i heard from my Mom that this distant relative is staying in our house for a day. Not too bad, I can handle a day, and he's m distant relative.


Either my Mom told me the wrong info, or I heard it wrongly... But I'm pretty sure it's the first one, cos something so surpising, I wouldn't have heard it and just leave it be... It wasn't a day, it was a week!

I'm not mad at this relative that's staying at my house, I'm mad at the people who actually PUT him in my house. WITHOUT NOTICE! NONE of us knew it coming, I seriously can't believe it! And haha, it's WAAAAYYYY AWESOME.... The people who puts this distant relative at our house with no prior notice was actually also our relatives, in Singapore. -.-lll

How freaking hard is it to pick up the phone a few days before and tell us that this distant relative is visitng and will be staying at our house for a week? It doesnt even take 5 minutes to dial 8 digits and say a few lines!!!!!!!!!!!! INFURIATING!


I would graciously welcome it if we knew. Heck, don't say a week, a month and I wouldn't be so mad. My Grams didn't know, My Dad didn't know, My Mom didn't know =.=lll Still, nothing I could do, he's still here. I don't mind actually, since he came before abt 10years ago. I just HATE the fact that THOSE PEOPLE actually just dumped him here with us for a whole week, without telling!!!

That was the worst part... the no telling part. Surprises have different levels, some surprises like a surprise gift, or a surprise visit from a friend or a lover, that's absolutely fine. But a surprise that involves having someone over at your house without you knowing? It's a form of invasion of privacy. Who did THOSE PEOPLE think we are? Motel? Hotel? Bed-and-breakfast? >;[

Seriously I can't take people who does not even respect my family! SHEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respect is the MOST important moral ANYONE should have it in them. And to think that someone who doesn't respect you as an individual and who does not respect your family, how you want us to treat them with respect still? It's a 2-way thing.

Y The Lady @
8:26 PM

Friday, August 21, 2009 Y

I'm so bored that it made me want to procrastinate...

And the more I procrastinate, the more I felt like time jus crawled on.

Really missed the days in the intensive weeks where there're things to do every single day. It's torturous because we have like no life and it's really rushing to meet the deadlines, but it's fulfiling.

I may complain about Friday not being an actual break day... A part wishes it really is break day, but then again, another part of me just want something to do. Anything.

No motivation or sense of urgency to do any work~ AH! Not that I'm not doing any work every day, but the pace was so slow! -.-lll Gotta break out of this chain of thoughts immediately! There's ALOT of work to be done! I just know it! Now it's left with psyching myself up to actually do it.

Y The Lady @
11:15 PM


Started ICQ... Been mulling over the decision for quite some time now, and with FB giving me alot of connection problems, and also my own internet connections to the net... the only thing that wasn't affected by the connection was my MSN. I guess chat programmes like MSN, YIM, ICQ, Skype aren't affected, unless you went and d/s your connection. That's another story.

Shortest ICQ list I figured.. with only 1 contact. LOL! I stand corrected. Some just get an acc for the games, so I've heard. So far so good... Short chat time, gotta make the best use of it, instead of spending time trying to d/c and re-connect again and again. And staying connected is really impt, esp when there are factors working against that~

Honestly, I don't have a good impression on ICQ, since the news of ppl getting cheated online always involved ICQ. On one hand, cos they're really naive and stupid -.-lll. =X Also, I thought it was more of group chat than individuals. Apparently it changed, sorta kinda.

My intenet connection is driving me nuts! Hopefully it doesn't d/c me for no reason on ICQ or MSN......... Will screw up alot of my chats (personal and for school purposes).

Y The Lady @
1:42 AM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Y

My life on Earth,
It's not so long, yet it isn't short.
It's filled with all emotions,
All reflections and thoughts.
My life on Earth, keeps me involved,
Not a day passed with dread.
I'm really glad my life on Earth,
It's still ongoing not the end.
21 is a magic number,
Some say it's like the key.
The key to all the freedom,
The key to be just me.
But I'm here to disagree,
Cos freedom is everywhere.
As long as you have self-discipline,
There's plenty of freedom to spare.
My life on Earth,
It's not so long, yet it is not short.
If you ask, "Are you ready to face it all?"
I'll say, "BRING IT ON!"
By: Janice ;)
Hahaha... I'm just being really silly typing a poem about my life when I'm now 21. Birthday's coming up, not gonna have like grand celebrations and all or theme parties. Just a simple outing with Miki, Hui and Val for 1 entire day, a celebratory dinner with my family. That's enough. Not to mention an enire night with Mac. =D
To me 21 is just like any other birthday, just that now you're entitled to watch R-21 movies, you get to get married or something. LOL! Besides that, nothing really much changed... Still have
freedom, probably more now, but I don't see the difference at all.
It is a magic number, like I've said in the poem above. Cos technically speaking it's the age where people stepped into "Adulthood", like officially.
Hope you guys like te poem. More to come when inspired! ;)

Y The Lady @
10:18 AM

Monday, August 17, 2009 Y

"Love is something to be experienced, and cannot be defined".

I stumbled upon this statement while doing a facebook quiz. After a few moment of thoughts I find that it is really so.

When I wrote my song lyrics (love songs), they were based on my concept and idea of love, imagination, thoughts, fantasy etc. But when I'm really in love, I can't put them down into words, to be exact, love song lyrics.

I know how I feel, I know how love feels, I know what it's like to be in love... but somehow it's hard to write out song lyrics right now. Hahaha, pretty hilarious, but it reflected the above statement - It can't be defined, because there is no one righ definition. And also because, well, I dunno, it's hard to put into words. Yet, when I listen to other various love songs, I can relate to the feelings.

I think everyone can relate to the feeling when listening to a piece of love song. =)

Love is a strange thing, but I'm glad it happened to me, regardless how weird or strange it is or how terrible it made me feel. Still, keep the ache coming, because within the aching, there's LOVE.

Y The Lady @
11:01 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2009 Y

Certainly fun and enjoyable when meeting up as J2SK =D Thai food... yummy! The nicest dish was actually the kang kong, which I'm surprised I even ate it, cos I'm not really into spicy food. But the kang kong there was soooo nice. And somehow or rather, I got "trained" to handle spicy better now. HAHAHAHAHA XD

We actually spent like a few hours at Lerk Thai, from 7 to 10. WOOSH! Time just flied by. Stories, jokes, stories, more stories from work and school (work from them, school from me). It was like an 'update dinner' or something. Really fun~

Not that much picture moments, mainly the food, cos we're more concerned with catching up on events than catching ourselves on film ;) Quite funny, how we dressed... It was like pre-planned, but it wasn't. We all had white, black and gray on ourselves LOL! Hahahahahahhaha.

Amazing to meet up with Sharon, Karine and Hannie again after all these months, since our graduation! =O Gotta do it again, when we have the time to coordinate once more :D

Y The Lady @
12:25 PM

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Y

School reopens... It was nice to learn together with Group A & B. BUT, the module was a combi of 2 of my least fav subjects: Geography and Science. Hahahhaa, barely made it for the 6hrs (excluding a 1hr break). But I can't sleep... Once i sleep, I'm so DEAD! =.=lll Hahahahahhaa....

On one hand, I'm complaining to someone, and the other hand, I'm comforting that someone too. Interesting, and I love it! Hehe =D

*hugs* to my fellow coursemates. Let's get through these 8 weeks, like how we did for the 1st 6 weeks of intensive! :)

Y The Lady @
7:26 PM

Sunday, August 09, 2009 Y

National Day... Nation's Birthday.. What's the best present than cake? And did I mention that it's 2 cakes? Hahahaha! =D

Mom's been wanting to bake Chiffon Cake since like a few days ago. Finally got the chance to do so today. Well... I hogged her stuff :p Can't help it, lol. Baked it along-side with Mom, which was really fun, while listening to my mp3 (blocking a certain 'noise' out). Really helps.

Started with Orange. Then sis suggested chocolate. So went to get the recipe, and baked another cake (this time Chocolate). Both were nice, but I preferred the Orange one =) Gonna bring some to school on Tues...

And I skipped the whole National Day Parada, and spent it with Mac. Very wise decision. Lol...... Almost missed the pledge, but STILL managed to recite it. Sad to say not at exactly 8.22pm, but at least I remembered...

Gonna bake another Orange Chiffon cake tml, for my 3rd aunt. One of my cousins is sick, so can't take chocolate. Besides, I really do prefer the orange one, so baking that for them, I don't mind at all. BUT, I think I'm gonna stay away from making chiffon cake for awhile :p

Y The Lady @
11:18 PM


Happy 44th Birthday Singapore! =D

Nation-wide Pledge taking at 8.22pm..... Hm, pretty weird timing. I wonder why must it be at 8.22pm?

Is it because 44 years ago that was the time when Singapore actually became officially independent?

Is it because of fengshui?

Or because it's easy to remember when it's a weird timing?

Hahaha, I can' figure this out... Anyway, I guess I'll be one of those that will take the pledge. But I suppose there are quite a few glitches in this whole thing... What if you're unavailable at that point of time? Say.... Watching a movie? Shopping in a shopping district? In the bathroom? =X


Still, it's our Nation's birthday. I think this is a particular time where ppl keep playing the National Day Songs over and over again :p Still prefer the old ones, till now I can still sing along, which is prett amazing at how much those songs are lodged in my heart and my mind =)

Y The Lady @
2:09 PM

Friday, August 07, 2009 Y

Oh my gosh, I don't know how to react when my dad came home and said, "Hey, what did you send overseas? It got returned back to you!" 1st reaction: Rush to see if my ears were playing tricks on me. And then... Saw my package to Germany sitting on my study desk!

Right there and then I felt tears in my eyes and started giggling and laughing... This reaction completely shocked me to my core. The laughing, I expected it. The tears, not so much. I checked the stickers and --> "no reclamé" Oh gosh! Hahahahahahha~

Was really glad that this package really toured the half of Earth: From Singapore to Germany and back to Singapore. At least it reached there and wasn't lost in transaction or whatever... But I was really sad cos' he didn't receive it afterall and I'm right here enjoying the goodies he packed for me =(

Emotions can be very interesting. I did not expect myself to react like this... All I know is I'm gonna try it again, and this time, MAKE SURE he gets it... Well, he doesn't have the luck to taste the goodies I packed, lucky for my students ;)

Cute and Silly, hehehe. Never fail to make me laugh! :D
Too cute and silly to not love him ;)

Y The Lady @
8:53 PM

Wednesday, August 05, 2009 Y

Sushi Tei was alright.. but somehow I still like Sakae Sushi. Took photos of the food more than people :p And if they were on people, mainly XT and Yvonne, since they're sitting directly in front of me :p

Made a video (reminded me of an earlier conversations I had with him regarding I should make vids since I took so many photos)... It was really fun. Main leads: Xing Ting and Yvonne, but I also included shots of the rest: Grace, Zi Qi and Eve, plus myself. Hahahahaha =D Was really funny, we're being silly and we had a great time just laughing like crazy~ :P

Finished my new book 'Girl Missing' and the story was really great... It was what that started Tess Gerritsen's mystery/thriller writing genre. This book was her first mystery/thriller and it was great. Of course, the rest that followed were as great as this one: The Surgeon, The Apprentice, The Sinner, Body Double, Vanish, The Mephisto Club, The Bone Garden, Keeping the Dead.
Yep, I have her whole collection ;)

Finally ordered Louis' newest CD: Solo Piano for Peace... It sure took a long time. Too bad his CDs aren't in store, if not I would wait till I get to Boston next year to purchase it. =)

Y The Lady @
6:32 PM

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 Y

Our picnic plan that turned shopping-focused.. HAHAHHA =D

It was really fun, but we spent like only 1hr to picnic (EXCLUDING photo taking). That would be around 1+ hrs if that's the case. Then it was more shopping focused.. I think we walked all over Orchard...... Ion, Central, Borders, Cineleisure, Taka... HAHA! Left Lucky Plaza :p

It was just as tiring as studying for the whole day. -.- Carried around the mat all over Orchard. Nothing wrong.. I think I pulled a muscle or something on my right arm (bicep area). Can hardly lift up my arm over my head without it hurting .... SHEESH! No muscle ache though, hehehe, despite the fact that we walked alot. Knees didn't hurt, but ankles did. Slippers aren't used for walking, so it seems.

Suddenly became my friends' target for dress shopping. I can't even remember how that conversation came about that led to the fact that they wanna get dress for my b-day. LOL! Hahahahahaha... Gotta admit, it was kinda fun, but also weird, cos dresses aren't my kind of style.

Day 1 of our break ended.. And day 2 is just abt beginning. Sushi Tei. Phew! Expensive!!!!!!!! *sniff* there goes my money... But I reckon, if we don't enjoy now, once the extension starts, it'll be equally intensive as how the past 6 weeks had been for all of us.


Y The Lady @
3:30 PM

Sunday, August 02, 2009 Y

Boredom...Driving us nuts.. I'm not the only one.

Usually we have tons of assignments to do, and then suddenly once it's over.. we're left with nothing much to do. And it's a little uncomfortable.

Good thing the whole week of break is packed with events... Picnic, Sushi, Picnic, Cycling, Airport.. Phew =) Enjoy while it lasts.

People are so funny.. When it's really busy and then it suddenly stops, we complain abt being bored. Once it's back to being busy, we'll start complaining about missing the boring days. HAHAHAHA! =D I guess there's no pleasing people. Period. :p

Y The Lady @
9:34 PM

Saturday, August 01, 2009 Y

After Wheelock intensive, I finally found the time to spend with my beloved grams... =) Not at her house, but at my 2nd aunt's house, along with my 1st aunt. So... Not too bad.. I get to see them. Didn't manage to do roast chicken cos of the change in venue.

Tried playing tgt with the adults, ya know, like just make them happy. Still fine.. But I wish I could go home..cos it's so lonely there... Suddenly missed him more than ever. Of cos there's my cousin and sis, but that's different... Haiz, complicated.
"Spike, return him to me!" :p Hahahaha, I'm gg crazy talking to a far away cat. LOL!

Despite all that, I do enjoy hugging my grams and seeing her after 6weeks... WHEW! So tired, and left eye itched and washing didn't help :( Sheesh~

Y The Lady @
9:10 PM