The Imperfection Lady Y

Y Her Love Starts. .

Rules...? Y

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2.Have Fun ^_^
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The Lady Y

Name: Janice Foo F.W 方玮
Age: 21+
Gender: Female(Straight)
DOB: 23Sept'88

My Tender Y

My "children"
Him =)

The Desires Y

Get GR8 Grades
Be with him
Go To NewYork(NY)& Boston
Always Happy

The Words Y

It's Better To Have Love & Lost, Than To Have Not Love At All
Happiness & Blessings Are Not To Be Taken For Granted, They Do Not Come By Easily

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 - Free Online Dating

More Than Words Y

Sweet Exits Y

Louis Landon website
Louis Landon Blog
Tess Gerritsen
Diana Hunter
Xiao Yu
Yi Hong
[AMK]My Class'04
Xin Yi
Wen Hui
Li Wen
Han Jie

[ECH] My Class_D02'06
Proj Odyssey
Foong Ling
Jia Min

Habbo Frenz
Ah Sam
Ah Luv
Ah Lone

My Memories

December 2005; January 2006; February 2006; March 2006; April 2006; May 2006; June 2006; July 2006; August 2006; September 2006; October 2006; November 2006; December 2006; February 2007; March 2007; April 2007; May 2007; June 2007; July 2007; August 2007; September 2007; October 2007; November 2007; December 2007; January 2008; February 2008; March 2008; April 2008; May 2008; June 2008; July 2008; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; June 2009; July 2009; August 2009; September 2009; October 2009; November 2009; December 2009; January 2010; February 2010; March 2010; April 2010; May 2010; June 2010; July 2010; August 2010;

Her Aligatoh Y

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Monday, July 28, 2008 Y

Farewell gift from Rachel... It's soooo cute!! Gotta name it.... Pudding! ^_^

I love Pudding!!! <3>

Part of our lunch today (Chicken wing, nuggets, drinks).

The other part of our lunch: Pizza from Rite's Pizza... 4 large ones = 48 slices. Do the math!
Flavors: Vege Lover, Ocean Delight, Hawaiian and BBQ Chicken.

Vege lover ans Hawaiian....

My cheese cake specially for Rachel and Teacher Deng. ^_^

Teacher Deng and Rachel and their cake! =)

Me and Rachel ^^

Me and Teacher Deng ^^

Y The Lady @
7:22 PM

Saturday, July 26, 2008 Y

It's just like All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet! Sakura Buffet @ Shaw Plaza... As usual, went there with Grams, Mom, 3rd Aunt, 3rd Uncle, Yi Hong, Yi Jun and my sis. The usual 8 of us, hanging out on a regular Saturday night.

It's really something.... Considering the fact that I just finished teaching on "Underwater sea creatures", here I was tonight eating the sea creatures: Shark, prawns, scallops, mussels, salmon, tuna, eel, lobster, crab, crayfish, squid.

Shark=Shark fins soup ; Prawns=cold prawns, baked prawns with cheese ; scallops=fresh raw scallops and baked scallops, mussels=fresh raw mussels, salmon=grilled one with sauce and sashimi slices, tuna=sushi-fresh-and-raw kind, eel=sushi and grilled ones, lobster=lobster salad, crab=sushi, crayfish=black pepper crayfish and squid=grilled squid(can still see the black ink on the plate, so imagine how fresh it is).

Tasty huh? Of course, that was not all We've ate. We also had Japanese peas, spaghetti, salad, beef, fruits, cakes, ice-creams, coke, plain water, mixed F&N drinks, veg, laksa, toufu, fried rice, noodles and satay. Boy! The satays are just absolutely heavenly! We had like 6-7 plates, at least! Total about at least 18-21 sticks of satays for the 8 of us.

My favourite? Hm... quite a few... First off would be the fresh scallops and the baked ones, then would be the Japanese peas(hate frozen peas, but I just adore these Jap peas and the peas from the fresh market. Nothing frozen!), and the shark fins soup. The sushi was alright, but the salmon and tuna sashimi slices were incredibly fresh. The fruits were pretty decent, so was the dessert(cakes and ice creams).

I didn't really like the crayfish, tasted funny even with the black pepper sauce. It's to personal likings and that just doesn't appeal to me. The rest of them had durian puffs, which does not include my share. Thankfully! I can stand any fruit, ANY FRUIT BUT DURIANS. I'm a terrible Singaporean. LOLZ!

It was fun, had alot of fun with my 2 cousins...all 4 of us (the kids). When I'm with them, I'm always a kid, and technically speaking, I AM a kid, because the kid in my heart lives forever, no matter my age. Too quite a number of pictures as usual. Kinda expected when you know who I am =) We even had a few rounds of 终级密码, and the person who got the mystery number right must be punished with what we had combined together...

Trust Yi Jun to come up with something really disgusting (even though that's the idea) --> ice water with a packet of sugar and satay sauce. EW! We finally did away with that cup of disgusting water (Can you even CALL it water?!?!?!) My sis whipped up similar drink.. minus the satay sauce and using warm water instead... It was like drinking the aga aga liquid solution. I should know cos I drank that for 3 times. The person who drank the least was Yi Hong (only once).

Hahahas!!! It was really fun. Wanted to watch "The Dark Knight" tonight at 8.30pm with yi hong, yi jun, my sis and my 3rd uncle, but the seats were like the 4th row from the screen. NO WAY MAN! I still need my eyes after the movie, so we canceled the plan.

But the more I hear from my cousins and my 3rd aunt, the more I wanted to watch. Made up my mind, gonna watch it next week with my sis on tues, or with my mom and sis on fri. I'm nt sure if I can even wait that long. Now that attachment is finally coming to an end, what I couldnt do before, I can all do them now!

Freedom is sweet! =)
But I'm missing my kids already =(

Y The Lady @
11:21 PM

Friday, July 25, 2008 Y

Freedom is sweet! But it's heartbreaking.. Already I'm missing my children. This time much much more than the previous 2 times.

Gotta do something for the kids, not to mention the teachers. Had it all planned out, just gotta implement them on Monday. =) Evaluation? Hm... Well, I guess that can be seen on the teachers' and children's faces on that day no doubt. Hehs

Finally came the sore throat. Mac played a part... but it was just a simple breakfast and dinner, and the next thing I know... BAM! It hurts when I swallow. -.-lll Well, it's about time! Been having symptoms throughout my attachment, esp the "tired eyes".

Thankfully there's no fever (took my temp today afternoon), if not it's sooooo gonna ruin my upcoming plans:
1. Throw a party for the teachers (Mon)
2. Gift ceremony with the children (Mon)
3. Buffet dinner on Sat with grams, mom, aunt, uncle, sis, yi hong, yi jun
4. Outing with Mun Ling on Wed (1st outing since Pri5)

WHEW!!!! That's alot on my organizer!

Y The Lady @
10:22 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008 Y

Shopping for fish is actually very tiring... Yesterday had a trip down there with Mom and Grams for some quality, quantity and cost scouting. And I had a lesson from the owner(I think). He was very knowledgeable and taught me alot of things and answered alot of my questions. Believe me when I say 'ALOT' of my questions...Cos I have tons! But he answered them one by one and taught me alot....

And guess what?

I finally know why Nemo, Bubbles, Dory, Ms Cuttle, Dudu, and Betsy died.... Cos we washed the sponge of the filter... With tap water. Seriously.... I didn't know taking care of fishes was that much knowledge... esp Sea Water Fishes.

So, back to the topic. I was shopping for fishes today, early in the morning... wanted to get it donein the centre before 11.30am, and hopefully my quilt cover on the floor. So, the buying was fine, and I had help getting the water from the shop to my centre. Problem starts after I reached the centre.

The thing is, the teacher was cooking with the children, with the tank behind her. So I had a lil trouble getting the filter out and wash (the sponge with salt water just like the uncle said)... But it was ok. I was literally racing against time, so I was frantic and a little but forgetful...

The filter was working for awhile, then it stopped (I sorta had this feeling that it stopped) so I get my friend to check for me. And it did stop! So i was a lil confuse... "Why the heck did it stop?" So i left my quilt, and went over to my beloved filter...

The filter was really important, cos I have 6 fishes waiting for the filter to work. If not, I cant put them in and I'm nt sure how long can the fishes stay inside the plastic bag (even though it's full of oxygen).

I was working on the filter, taking it off, draining the water, putting it bac,k, putting in more water, changing the waters in the tank and doing the taking off-putting back for quite a few more times.

Finally decided to call Rachel to get a new filter when she comes in. But cant call thru... Some sort of a fate... Then Teacher Deng came around and switched on the main switch. MAIN SWITCH!!!!

I'm SO TOTALLY LAME! STUPID! DUMB! I forgot to check if I had the main switch on. =.=lll HOW TOTALLY LAME WAS THAT?

So i retry the filter: add in some salt water and on the switch. Guess what? IT FREAKING WORK!!! Luckily Rachel didn't answer her phone. It's like fate or something... -.-lll

I wanted Teacher Deng to help me with the fishes, but the children were all excited, and so was I. I couldn't wait, so I poured the fishes in myself, and had a quick bowl of seafood steamboat as part of my lunch.

Y The Lady @
7:19 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Y

After lesson 2, should be able to take a breather... but heard from Wendy about the mentor's meticulous ways of assessing, butterflies returned to my stomach, bring friends this time: ladybug, ants, caterpillars and many more. And 1st assessment is tml(thurs).

I know how to comfort people in times like this, but when I became the person-in-the-scene, all my comforting words doesn't feel very comforting to me. I know I can do it, but still there's one part of me that is really scared. Articulation of English... English I have no problem with it comes to writing (most of the time), but speaking? Gosh! That's like my worse! I try hard to speak as perfect as possible, but sometimes even without knowing it myself, "Singlish" came into the picture and my so-call perfect slang and intonation became 2nd degree.

Especially after one whole day of "vomit feeling". Sheesh! Better not be now to be ill! I know this symptom too well... stomach flu. Already had another 2 symptoms: tired eyes and dry throat. If the nose and the fever enter the picture to complete the 5-symptoms, I know it's about time to step back and rest. But for now, giving it my all as far as i can go without falling down.

Thinking about LSH's NDP concert.. This is what that keeps me moving on, after Rach welcomed me back with a wide smile and a 'of course! Would love to have you!' when I asked if I could help after my attachment! ^_^

Funny how emotions are. Soon, it'll be the end of my attachment.. But right now I'm already missing the children and the teachers when the time isn't even near.

Mom asked if I had forgotten about "my kids" from my previous 2 attachment centres, and my reply is "HELL NO!" They all had a special place in my heart, my soul, my memories and my life.

Just that this current centre holds a stronger and higher bond with me(considering the time I spent there and the amt of work and effort I have to put in)

Y The Lady @
9:56 PM


The silver fishes were salty! But the children can't get enough of it. I didn't wash it before I cook, if not it wouldn't be crispy after it touched water. Loved today's lesson, it was really within the time frame, but that was because I only took 1 group instead of 2 for follow-up. Bad experience, can't take both groups, the attention span just vanishes after like 1hr max.

I used my method, my beliefs to teach. To some, it may not be the best way, but safety is still the top priority, even in my methods of teaching cooking. Oops.. forgot about my rule charts totally, but luckily I remembered to reinforce on the rules that the children already knew beforehand verbally(just didn't show the chart, but kinda no difference - since the children did follow the rules).

I'm really shocked to know that (after my lesson), people outside the classroom could smell the cooking smell. I remembered closing the door.. Hm, weird. It was really fun, and short. I felt a little rushed, but it was great, cos I got pics this time. I didn't forget! ^_^

2 lessons in cooking for the children within one day. Morning was me and my silver fish, afternoon was with Teacher Deng and her slightly bigger fish(she handled the raw fish in front of the children!) ^_^ Totally amazing experience, since my lesson and her lesson really linked in some ways. I know the children loved it, it can be seen on their happy little faces! ^^

*pat pat pat* <-- my comfort =)

Y The Lady @
12:55 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008 Y

I really lived this very Mandarin proverb: 日有所思,夜有所梦. I've been so freaking scared about stepping out of my comfort zone that everything I'd ever thought about is my upcoming lesson on Monday, which is tml.

It really was a HUGE step out of my comfort zone, tbh.

For 2 consecutive nights I've been having similar dreams. How similar? Well...I'm in both dreams, both dreams happened in LSH and both dreams are about my upcoming lessons. Weird huh? And a little bit stupid.

Sometimes I reflect back, "Why in the world am I so afraid? It's not assessed!" I find myself really stupid to think too much. Sub-consciously I've been drilled in of a bad scenario or whatsoever that it took control over my life.


Argh! As the time draws nearer and nearer, I'm getting more and more freaked out. I can't dream it again for the 3rd time, that'll be just plain jinxed! Only thing that I'm afraid of for my Field Practicum is tomorrow's Main Activity. After that, I'm back at things I can control.

The only thing that kept my mind off tml's lesson is Tue's swimming with the children after cooking with them.

Very soon, it'll all be in the past.. Very soon... Just wished it would be sooner.

Y The Lady @
9:28 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008 Y

Sentosa was amazing.... Though very exhausted from the whole trip. Arrived at 8, went out at around 9am from LSH, and then reached there at 10.15am or so... Wow! Long hours of trip...!

Had one heck of a major headache on the bus... I can't stay out of seat for too long, walk around up and down the aisle on a moving bus, and talking while facing the back of the bus... But I can't ignore the children! They were talking to me.

Went to Dolphin Lagoon first instead of Underwater World.. Saw the tricks the dolphins did: balance ball, swing the hoops, jump through hoops, kicking of balls, passing of ball back to the trainer(after the trainer threw the soccer ball at them)... Awesome!!

Then they had lunch, and I took pictures. Actually, I took pictures since they went on the bus, and almost everything they do. ^_^ And not to mention took pics of dolphins, not just teachers and children...

Went to Underwater World after lunch, I took the most pictures there... different kinds of fishes. AND I TOUCHED A STINGRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You may think "Ew", but I don't think so. It's really slippery and smooth! Thanks to Rachael, she touched it and it aroused my curiosity. I was thinking "If not now, when?" So I reached in and touched the back of the stingray, keeping my hands away from the tail. Gosh, I never regret doing it. I'l truly regret if I didn't touch it when I have the chance. ^_^

I was yelling and shouting, using a voice power that's beyond my ordinary voice. Can't help it cos it's in a public place and children are all excited and running around, trying to explore here and there, trying to separate from our group. Well.... Hahas, my voice is running low... Surprisingly I still have my voice but my throat hurts, and it's dry by the end of the day.

I guess my previous going-to-be-sick wasn't really recovered, even though I drank 3 bottles of hot water everyday during my attachment.

Y The Lady @
12:38 AM

Sunday, July 06, 2008 Y

I have no idea why I came here when my eyes are already half closed. Should I look forward to tml or shouldn't I? Cooking with the kids tml, trying out my new hot plate and new lesson (Trial).

Trust me when I say I've never cooked in my entire life before.... in a centre.... in a classroom... with 8 children that just won't sit still like mannequins (they're children and human, nt plastic). No matter what I have to try it out, be it how long or how short. I'm thinking... SHORT! Tried at home... at max temp with like a little bit of water, to test how fast it boils... and it boiled within 5 mins! No, 3!

I'm gonna turn to medium heat tml... hopefuly i can survive the lesson with no injuries or whatsoever. I love to cook, but then it's really new exp when it comes to cooking with the children. Not to mention Rachel hasn't done any cooking with them yet!

Gosh, hope there's someone there to help me out tml for crowd control. Ironic isn't it? When usually I dun like to be watched when teaching (makes it less stressful), esp with somebody you know. But now here I am wishing there's an assistant tml in the class when i "teach".

Y The Lady @
11:45 PM


It really hopeless to bring anything to my grams house on saturday,thinking that i'll be able to get something done. BIG WHOOP! Nope... that aint gonna happen on saturday, esp with my cousins and aunt around... They have this special magnetic power to stop me from doing my things on saturday.. LOLZ!

Wanted to see if I can get some things done for my FP, one of the math activities, but no..... i tried and i failed. So i brought things there to juz waste my time and effort and energy and my strength(carry the pc). Well, pc was ok, yijun get to play his crazy taxi (he's totally in love with that game). No connection so no net access so only that game is available on my pc that doesnt need any net connection.

Played scrabble with Bei Nian, yi hong and my sister... then yi jun came in as well. We played 3rounds of scrabble (abt 2hrs+ in total). It was fun fun fun fun fun!!! I'm nt a fan of scrabble, we didnt touch our own set of scrabbles at home for more than a handful of times... or we usually just take those alphabets and treat them as dominoes.

Bei Nian says she's gonna bring dominoes if she can find the set at her home. We shall see next week. Nxt week I'm gonna DO SOMETHING THERE FOR REAL...

No choice, cos one whole stretch of 5 lessons (3 supervisions) the following week. Bad news, cramp everything together was a stupid idea but somehow i dun wanna spread out but rather get everything done all at once. Good idea? Get the last week of attachment free from lessons and I can truly hav fun.

Y The Lady @
11:13 AM