Monday, December 29, 2008 Y
I'm through with Ugani! Ate the whole bowl of Unagi Rice and I gt sick of that food!! Too much in a go. Unagi is nice if eaten once in a whole and in small portion, but DEFINATELY not in large portion in one go.Hung out with Aunti Serene for more than 3hrs... wow! Loads of catching up and i had a blast~ Then hung out at Swensen..... and continued our catching up after the Japanese Food Court (newly opened in Northpoint new annex).Pretty gd I should say. =) Can't wait for CNY to hang out with them again. Aunti Serene's family... we only get tgt in CNY, even then nt much interaction and conversation. That's gonna change since the family gathering on 21st in our condo's function room. ^_^
Y The Lady @
11:20 PM
Saturday, December 27, 2008 Y
Free movie, who wouldn't want it?Bedtime stories for free... actually bedtime stories ARE free.. all they cost are your vivid imagination and voice and facial variations ^_^The movie was not bad, it's very kid friendly and quite hilarious... Well, Adam Sandler has that effect on audience. If you're in for a silly mood to unwind, this is the movie for you.Had been wanting to catch this movie, and now I did, without a penny spent. =)Went with Jenn, Wendy, ZQ, Jas, Joanne and Sharonie and other ECH classmates, but i only sat tgt with the 1st 5, at row B: Couple seats, so it was really spacious and we lifted up the arm rests and it became even more spacious... Like sitting on a sofa in a cinema. :)The next movie I wanna watch is "Australia". Can't get enough of Hugh Jackman ^^
Y The Lady @
9:01 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008 Y
My journey of traditional and modern era started on Sunday morning at 9+.Visited a very old-school vegetable farm. Y old school? Cos it's organic, every veg, every herb every shelter, every soil, ever ferterlizer are all organic. The ferterlizer isn't the normal one package deal in any gardening shop, but really chicken droppings with the flies flying around. No nothing was being sprayed on the vegetables at all, so you could see some holes on the leaves. But it's fine.We stayed there for abt an hr and left at abt 11. Then we went to Geylang.Dad had an appointment with a doc, and he suggested I let him take a look at my shoulders and neck.It was then did I know there's something wrong with my bones.The doc gave me a really painful time there... Whenever he pressed on my back, from my neck all the way to my legs, and my arms, and when he flexed my arms and neck, I could hear the 'crack' sound every single time. OMG! Frigging painful, even much painful than my dad's massage.The journey cont' with us eating at Geylang. Oh man, the food there was gooood~ Claypot rice, home-made beancurd with prawns and a plate of stir-fry garlic xiao bai cai. Mmmmm delicious and it's rather cheap for 3 ppl: abt $45. ^_^Then came the modern era of my day..went shopping for a new microwave oven.And my day ended with us coming home with a new microwave oven, and then we had glutenious rice balls for dong1 zhi4. Then the pot luck party at the function room with my another family =)Well.. that's another story
Y The Lady @
9:15 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008 Y
New Moon,
Eclipse and
Breaking Dawn.
Finished 4 books in 7 days -> Twilight (Sun to Tue), New Moon (Wed to Thurs), Eclipse (Thurs to Fri), Breaking Dawn (Fri to Sat).And I've set a record for Twilight. Dont know what took me so long to finish tat bk when it's the thinnest of all 4.& right after 4 books, I immediately picked up Tess Gerritsen's new book: Keeping The Dead. I wasn't tired after reading the whole series, w/o reading anything else except that for the whole week.Hahs.. that's just me I think. I can never put down a good bk, or leave a gd bk alone ;)
Y The Lady @
11:22 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008 Y
I was shocked by how much it would affect me.I did not have the so-call 'usual' reaction to the story or to the characters.The 1st bk pretty much held onto my attention, as much as the 2nd bk.The 3rd bk as well but it was a torture, so much so that I flipped to the last page to see....And the effect on me shocked even myself.I was really close to put the book down when I didn't get the ending that I predicted...I didn't know I'd react this way towards the story, when I saw how it ended for the 3rd book.But what caught me off guard was that when I truly know the ending of the entire story, I heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that THAT was the ending that was meant to be, right from the beginning.Okay, so my reaction to the story pretty much say abt my character... I dun like things to go not my way. And I'll lurve it when things go my way. -shrug- It's just the way I am i guess, a lil bit pig-headed, a lil bit dominant and a little bit inflexible. Good thing it's nt towards everything.This is one of the fewer books that really caught on me so strongly. I guess my reaction to the ending for each book is that strong was because I could somehow feel what was going thru in that story - relating it in one way or another; be it fantasizing or daydreaming or when it really did happen.Not many authors can do that to me: bring me into their world, the characters' world. This is exactly what I hoped to do someday => bringing readers into my world, my story world when they read whatever I've written (for fun or for real).So, even if it tortures me, I'm gonna keep reading the 3rd book, then the 4th. Like how it was meant to be.
Y The Lady @
12:26 AM
Sunday, December 14, 2008 Y
Came across something really interesting today at Kino. Stumbled upon the book that Geraldine mentioned: The 7 habits of high effective ppl. I remembered seeing this bk before, turned out i was right. Dad owns a book, WAY before!Anyway... something really interesting was in the bk. Take a look at this picture:
Who can you see in this picture? A young lady? Or an old lady? Or can you see both?
I find it really interesting, cos I could only see the young one, until my dad pointed out the old one for me.
This is to say, 2 people may have different perspectives on the same topic or a particular picture or work, but that does not mean that only 1 is right. Sometimes, both perspectives can be right, even with 2 parties cannot agree with each other.
Cool isn't it? I'm SO gonna read this bk~
Y The Lady @
10:04 PM
Done my Christmas & New Year's Shopping, and more!Really contented... Went Kino again, after a very long lasped time.... And brought ALOT of books! Listened to the word "Twilight" or "Edward Cullum" for a very very very long time. Finally slowed down my pace and picked up book one. Flipped over a few pages, reading. Turned to the back and read all 4 books. And....... bought all 4 of them (the whole series). It's weird if you just buy 1 or 2 and not complete... it feels weird in my case. Cos I like to collect: Buy them, read them, store them, collect them, re-read them, and re-read them etc. This is how I work... So for me, I'd rather save my $ and get the books, than borrow it from my friends. Cos if I borrow, it's nt mine. Somehow or rather, I can't live with that. -shrug- A weird and expensive habit, i know, but this is pretty much the only place i spend.Then we walked and walked to Best. And after a long walk and consideration and chat(with the sales person), we brought a new lappy! ^_^ *beaming* VAIO, and it's on offer and gd deal. Phew! Now we have an extra pc to use, and my current very scary one can be a back-up kind...... Sheesh... the blacking out thing is really freaking me out man! These bks can last me for a very long time (considering my free time and schedules)... Haahahas.. No more freaking reading till late nights. Now it's proj & sleep that take over my late nights, nt storybooks. Storybooks can be ranked 2nd to that.

Y The Lady @
7:30 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008 Y
People might think I'm crazy... Smiling like a goof on a public bus while carrying two bags of shopping. It's that phone call that made me smile wildly with no conscious of my surrounding - A call from Teacher Deng."Hello?""Hello Janice. I made some cookies with the children just now for Christmas and they want to give some to you. Are you free to meet me later?""Yea sure.""Okay, see you later.""See you."It turned out to be chocolate cornflakes cookies... Just like the ones I made,only with chocolate cornflakes instead of the golden brown ones i used. And they did it like how Rach did hers: Coated with chocolate. And the kids added the rainbow dots! OMG!What really made me smile and made my heart fluttered was the fact that they actually remembered me and wanted to let me taste their creation... I couldn't wait to taste, and I didnt wait. Once I got it and on my way back home, I sneaked one into my mouth, & mmmmmmmm it tasted like heaven~ ^^
I'm so gonna get sore throat before Christmas... Made biscotti, made shortbread, ate the children's chocolate cornflake cookies and made 4 batches of chocolate min cookies (without the mint)...Speaking of the new cookies... Sheesh! I saw peppermint flavoring everytime i visit supermarket. But I nv brought any. And at a time when I REALLY needed it, I couldn't find it! AT ALL!!! =.- And there goes the "mint" T.T It would be sooo delicious and less "ni4" with all the chocolatey flavours.I'm gonna stop baking for now. Rushing like hell today was because of my 3D02 lurves... Our last christmas together as a class... And it's my first time making something for them for christmas... No more cookies for a long long time~
Y The Lady @
11:20 PM
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 Y
Tired and starving... stayed in sch for NAPFA, even if I have non. Promised them I'll stay with them throughout, and I always keep my promises. Went to Northpoint and meet mom n sis for dinner. I was starving like crazy and then came a very very bad impression of this frigging person at the pizza stall... *angry and seriously pissed*After serving the customer before me, he turned and look at his friends prepare the food. After awhile he turned back and looked here n there, WHILE I WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF HIM THE WHO FRIGGING TIME!!! Treated me like i was invisible. Oh... FINALLY he noticed me and took my order.Then this guy told me to wait while he gets 10cent coin for me(the remaining change). He opened this plastic bag and took out 3 10cent coins and put it in the cash register. Then he took out another 3 10cents coins and put it in the cash register. ALL ALONG HE COULD HAVE JUST HANDED ONE 1 OF THE 6 10cents COINS HE TOOK OUT FROM THAT BAG!!!!!! What? The machine is more important than someone who pays for your food?? Then FINALLY he took out 2 10cents coin and gave me 1, after putting another one into the cash register. =.-lllAnd he forgot to give me the tag to wait for my food. I didn't KNOW there was a tag until like 10mins later(after waiting for my pathetic pizza for 10 whole minutes). He turned and asked me, "Er, what is your order?" I showed him my receipt. And he asked, "Did you receive any tags?" I said no. THEN did he give me one. All along I stood there starving and my legs hurting. I'm seriously pissed off! Even now, thinking about that incident still boils my blood!!!!If you freaking dont want to work, don't freaking show it! If you dont want to work, all you gotta do is take off that name tag and leave! Don't have to write "I don't feel like working" across your face together with that attitude while serving customers!
BIG TURN OFF FOR THAT STALL. TERRIBLE 1ST IMPRESSION AND I GUARENTEE I WON'T VISIT THAT STALL EVER AGAIN! I'll still be back at that place for dinner or what, but not gonna buy from that stall. Ever.
Y The Lady @
9:49 PM
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 Y
YAY!!! Finally ended the IEP interventions. Now it's time for a break. I'm not worried about post-tests, which is what we're left with. The kids were lovely and they showed so much improvements!!! This was mainly what constituted to our success! =DEntered the centre, and before we started anything we prepared. Then i took out the box of shortbread that I baked and handed to Rach. And I said to her, "Early Christmas Present. Merry Christmas." Then I added with a smile, "It's for the kids." Hahahas.. Her reaction was genuine and she commented, "I thought it was for me." Hehs. Of cos she's gonna get something, but not that. Something that will go along great with her wake-me-up drink ;)Talked briefly with Sherin on the kids' up-coming concert this coming Sat. Need to be there by 7.30am =.-lll Sheesh! I gotta think of ways to get there by that early. Maybe check with Wendy see if she wants to meet up tgt.Okay, back to interventions. Finally complete our 4 interventions and like I said, the children are really lovely and cooperative. We could really see the improvements, and of course Naidu also gave constructive feedbacks on our intervention that she assessed. Overall I'll say we did a great job! C sweety was really sweet, she picked flowers for all of us, and gave us in the middle of our post-conference. Totally relating it back to the earlier storytelling session for today's intervention. This was how big our interventions had impacted them! A.W.E.S.O.M.E~ ^^ Even Y.S and T'vis who didn't managed to join us during the intervention wanted to be part of it after their swimming lesson. Of cos we let them! I could really see that they were looking forward to it as much as we do.Hm... good storyteller... Hahahahas, I'm not being hypocritical or being totally fake here, but I don't think I'm a good storyteller. I can't be this open and unrestricted with people much, only with the group that I'm familiar with.I believe that a good storyteller has to be somebody who really takes in the environment and the audience (in this case the children), and work with them and the story with full of expressions and enjoyment. Someone who has to be able to work in all kinds of situation and must have quick reflexes(in another words: smarter than the children) when storytelling.Honestly, I'm nt that kind of person, because I'm a lil slow-to-warm-up kind, even if I don't look like that. But I can be that kind of person(someone who totally lets go and be bold) once I get to know a grp of people. So that's the reason why I was seen as a "good storyteller" for our interventions, cos the kids know me well enough to know not to cross the line, and I know them well enough to know that they'll still be amazing and cooperative during lesson times even if I go down to their level and be friends with them outside lesson times.
But thanks for saying that I am a good storyteller. Really happy about that and sincerely thank for the comments.Kudos to J2SKZ! ^_^ Now we're left with Chpt 3-5 of our IEP paper. We can do it! Totally!!! =D
Y The Lady @
8:45 PM