Saturday, November 29, 2008 Y
Whew! Wii rocks!!! I didn't realize it as so fun! And it's my fav sport ever - Badminton. Easy to control and somewhat kind of exercise of some form... cos the swinging of arms and the body movement to the beat of the music and such.Played a few rounds and, the truth? It's so cool, but I'm nt addicted to it. After awhile you have this feeling that you should take a break, so it's nt so addictive. And cos there're 2 controllers, so 2 ppl can play at the same time. The badminton matches were awesome: Me against my sis, my 2 cuz against each other, me and my sis against my 2 cousins, and my sis n 1 against our uncle. Even our mom played against our aunt. Hahahahahas! =)Tml gonna play again at grams house. Thanks to them, they brought the game there tonight so we can play. Not gonna buy cos no time to play, so just gonna play if they bring.Good to know that my grams and my mom love my biscotti. My aunt and cuz too.. but they're nt used to it being so hard. I explained to them that it's suppose to be hard.. cos it's biscotti.
Y The Lady @
10:50 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008 Y
My Espresso Biscotti! 1st batch & 1st try!
My Espresso Biscotti and me! Woohoo!!!! Espresso Biscotti is finally done! Phew!!! Started at 7.30 and ended at 11. =.- And to think the prep time there put 1.5hrs. WHAHAHAHAHAHHAA... That was more than 1.5hrs lolz! Maybe HSM2 has something to do with it... plus it's a new recipe so I took my time measuring each ingredients and so forth. Hahahahas... And also the cooling time and everything. Sheesh! It's a torture cutting into slices with a non-serated knife. =.- NEVER try that! Gt all sweaty and hot just slicing up the logs!Anyway.... Love the product. Currently still waiting for it to cool to actually put it inside containers. But I don't think it's a failure - picked up bits from the cutting and ate them. Not bad, and the coffee aroma was strong too! Excellente! Tml letting my aunt, uncle, cuz, grams try. And comment! So i can make another for Christmas ^_^
Y The Lady @
11:59 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008 Y
IEP started and it's starting to take over my life unknowingly. I started to get muddle-headed, disorientated, disorganized etc. Soooo not like my usual self anymore. And I tot i usually get cranky when the temp is rising and not so... dis-something =.-IEP so far was really cool and fun, spending time with my team, the children, the teachers really brings back the memories of my attachment days(w/o my team then). Already counting down to the end of our IEP interventions and whatsoever, so we can totally relax!I guess I'm nt the only one that is going hay-wire, but still... it helps to know that it's best I keep my feet on the ground and my mind wrapped around the urgent & impt things(and nt floating somewhere else). Afterall, being the "boss" isn't easy. But really, it helps when your "subodinates" are so supportive and so cooperative. It makes the boss' job WAY easier ;)***
Katekyo Hitman Reborn is the 1st Jap Anime that I watched from the 1st episode up to the last so far(It's still going on). Even my childhood cartoons ike Digimon, Pokemon, Yugioh, Cardcaptor Sakura, I didn't catch them from ep1 all the way to the end. Some I skipped, some I missed and some I just dun wanna watch. =X Should stop thinking about Katekyo, can't believe my speed of watching beats the uploading time! Whew! Time for a break~Christmas is coming, and I can't wait.... Oooo now there's a surprise O.oEspresso Biscotti and Shortbread... Yummy~ C'mon IEP, be on ur way to the ending! I wanna start baking with our new oven! ^_^
Y The Lady @
9:41 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008 Y
Project Getz-P was really enjoyable! Had a blast of time.... Created food with Xin Ting and Shaheila at Shaheila's place... then also made cheesecake (abit of glitch on the night before). So happy that everyone liked the cheesecake! Though too bad nv put in the fridge, if nt it would be way way way nicer.... It's out from fridge at 6.30 and we ate at around 11... so the lapsed time was like a few hrs.Anyway, then went shpping for IEP with my grp... Really blessed to have them, seriously. 3 years and we worked like cogs in a clock, together... Eeryone oiled and working smoothly. With similar ideas and consensus agreements. Awesome isn't it? GD to be boss to such a team ^_^Then again.. nt easy to be boss... Hahahahs. Taking care of your teammates' welfare is really impt. I dun want anyone of them to have any aches or whatsoever. So..... Terrible shoulder ache. Carried a table and 2 chairs home. No complaints there... I have more flesh around my shoulders so it wasn't hurting that much, compared to them... all skinny like hell =.= Definately hurts more. Plus I took precautions. Good news was that I managed to get that home w/o having any redness or marks on my shoulders. Whew! =)Can't wait for Tuesday... Going back to see the children, and to see my darling boy. He's not the only one on my mind, that's for sure. =) Can't wait!
Y The Lady @
12:35 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Y
Shopping @ Seng Siong was alot of fun and laughter.... HAHAHAHS We couldn't live through that few hrs w/o laughing almost 80% of the time! ROFL! 1st time shopping with my frenz (Xin Tng & Shaheila) and it was a blast! Hahahahs. For the love for Project Getz-P and our class spirits are usually high, it's no wonder the whole class chipped in 110% for this class assignment! ^_^What a way to spend Tuesday afternoon. Can't wait for Wednesday afternoon when we all get down and dirty in the kitchen, whipping up delicious food! Yum Yum! =p
Y The Lady @
9:13 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 Y
Went back to collect responses from P.
Dropped by for awhile and saw my darling boy...
He was so cute (as usual) and seeing him just made my day great!
I knelt down and chatted with a child, beside and behind my darling boy.
I called his name and opened my arms.
He turned around and smiled at me and opened his arms and stepped into my opened arms.
He even stepped on my thighs to hoist himself while giving me a full bear hug! ^_^ Aw~
I hugged him close and kissed him on his cheek.
Gosh I missed him so much and no matter how long it has been, seeing his smiles, sensing his presence still brings a smile to my face. =)
Y The Lady @
12:00 AM
Monday, November 03, 2008 Y
1.5hr of talk non stop after a very long time.
Somehow it all seemed so natural to me.
He really surprised me at some pt of the conversation.
A lot of old memories, and new ones made.
Wish all these could be real, but we're contented for now just the same.
Like what he says, "Carpe Diem" = "Seize the day"!
Labels: J and Z: Right Here, Right Now
Y The Lady @
10:04 PM
Saturday, November 01, 2008 Y
Gettin' ready for Piano lesson. Turned on the tv and flipped the controller.Stopped at SCV 16 and saw Nigella Express.Saw Rocky Road recipe & memorized the recipe.Actually it was a re-run, but heck, anything that's gotta do with food, I don't care how many times you run, JUST KEEP RUNNING! ;)1st try of it, didn't look like the one Nigella made..... Perhaps I got the chocolate amt wrong, cos it felt as if I've put too little chocolate... she seemed to be able to make them equally mixed and still have plenty to spare to spread a thin layer across the top. Whew!And heard a comment from my sis, "It's very sweet." Duh, it's suppose to be sweet. Imagine dark chocolate (70% coco) with honey and marshmallow - all the sweet ingredients together sure makes it sweet, even with non-sweet ingredients to even out, but it was meant to be sweet in the first place.But I'm gonna reconsider before i try it again... cos I have a feeling I'm gonna get sick of it once I finished the whole tin full of it (NT BY MYSELF OF COZ)!Browsed her recipes collection and came across White Chocolate Cheesecake. Yummy~ But gonna lay low on chocolates after tonight's episode of Rocky Road =)
Y The Lady @
10:12 PM