The Imperfection Lady Y

Y Her Love Starts. .

Rules...? Y

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The Lady Y

Name: Janice Foo F.W 方玮
Age: 21+
Gender: Female(Straight)
DOB: 23Sept'88

My Tender Y

My "children"
Him =)

The Desires Y

Get GR8 Grades
Be with him
Go To NewYork(NY)& Boston
Always Happy

The Words Y

It's Better To Have Love & Lost, Than To Have Not Love At All
Happiness & Blessings Are Not To Be Taken For Granted, They Do Not Come By Easily

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 - Free Online Dating

More Than Words Y

Sweet Exits Y

Louis Landon website
Louis Landon Blog
Tess Gerritsen
Diana Hunter
Xiao Yu
Yi Hong
[AMK]My Class'04
Xin Yi
Wen Hui
Li Wen
Han Jie

[ECH] My Class_D02'06
Proj Odyssey
Foong Ling
Jia Min

Habbo Frenz
Ah Sam
Ah Luv
Ah Lone

My Memories

December 2005; January 2006; February 2006; March 2006; April 2006; May 2006; June 2006; July 2006; August 2006; September 2006; October 2006; November 2006; December 2006; February 2007; March 2007; April 2007; May 2007; June 2007; July 2007; August 2007; September 2007; October 2007; November 2007; December 2007; January 2008; February 2008; March 2008; April 2008; May 2008; June 2008; July 2008; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; February 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; June 2009; July 2009; August 2009; September 2009; October 2009; November 2009; December 2009; January 2010; February 2010; March 2010; April 2010; May 2010; June 2010; July 2010; August 2010;

Her Aligatoh Y

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Tag-Board: ChatterBox.
Hosts: Blogger&Blogskins
Cursor: dorischu

Saturday, May 31, 2008 Y

Walking with the wind in my face, holding a cup of ice-cream in my left hand, scooping and feeding myself with the ice cream with the other, walking with mom and sis, chatting and chilling, with the sea as my company, and a night view... WOW!

But beware of the ice-cream man. We spent $3 to buy a lesson --> NEVER buy from the 'fat' uncle. Must buy from the 'thin' one. Not that I'm criticizing or what, but that 'fat' uncle really is unhygienic! No gloves, ice-cream scoop was in a metal holder(no water), ice-cream tub was like a left-over Tupperware.

There's a HUGE difference. In terms of hygiene, the taste of the ice-cream and the personality of the seller. Seriously... The 1st round of ice-cream(brought from the fat uncle was really bad. He had like 5 flavours all mixed together in that white Tupperware(ice cream Tupperware) not the kind of cylindrical metal holder. The flavours were so random that it's FAR from the traditional one(Chocolate[brown], Sweet corn[yellow] and 'Ah-Tup-Ji'[pink])

The traditional one won't melt that quickly, it's much nicer in terms of taste and appearance, not to mention the sweetness is just right compared to the random mixture. We guess the random mixture of ice cream was from th leftovers from the biscuits ice-cream... YUCK! They taste much better individually than mixed together. HUGE DIFFERENCE! So... never buy that kind of random mix. If you wanna get gd mix ice-cream, get the traditional kind... It's much more worth of your money.

This place is my favourite hangout (provided mom's driving cos it's rater secluded). Good view of the sea(or lake), and it's really very relaxing just going there and relax to the breeze and the tides(which aren't that often as the breeze). =)

Y The Lady @
11:36 PM

Monday, May 26, 2008 Y

I've always know that I'm fortunate to be living in Singapore, having food, water, shelter and clothes within my reach. All Singaporeans are just like me, living in a world without natural disaster or political riots or racial riots.

Therefore sometimes we take things for granted: Wanting the unnecessary stuffs, spending money without thinking twice, wanted more food that we could possibly swallow, whining about how miserable our lives are, or just whining in pain of a simple bruise. All these luxury(yes even slight pain is considered a luxury) do not exist for the people in Si Chuan in China.

The earthquake took countless numbers of lives, injured countless people, and broke countless families apart. We weren't there to witness the tragedy, but yesterday night's charity show.. I saw the graphics of the damage done to China --> Lives lost, parents weeping over their children's bodies, children still holding onto the last glimpse of hope that the parents are safe under furnitures or debris.

There was this particular performance that made tears welled up in my eyes and my heart ached. It was a poem recited by 2 girls, 1 old and 1 young... The title of that poem was "妈妈别哭"(Mummy, don't cry). It wasn't the way the poem was recited, it was the content of that poem that I couldn't hold back the tears... The content was from a dead child's point of view, the things the child would want to say to the parents... Thinking about that even right now made me realized i was even more fortunate than I initially thought I was.

The sum that was collected yesterday through the charity show was nearly 7million SGD, so about 35mil if converted to RMB(china $). Giving money i think is the best way we can do to help them out.

Usually the natural disasters that happened don't give people this kind of feelings even after so long a time... Gosh, it was really heart breaking to see or hear these kind of news.

I really hope Louis' famous line: "Love and Peace Everywhere"will always be true and fulfilled at any part of the world.

After all, strangers are just family members whom you have yet to meet.

Y The Lady @
11:54 AM

Saturday, May 24, 2008 Y

Today I tried 2 things that I've never tried before in my life - Subway & Fish Head Pot.

For so long in my life, I've heard of subway for countless times, but yet to put my taste buds to work. Today, I can finally say "TOTALLY YUMMY!" I ate 9 inches of subway sandwich - Subway Melt [4 slices of ham, 2 slices of bacon, 4 slices of cheese, lettuce, olives, tomatoes, capsicum with onion mustard sauce] It was great!

Y 9 inches? I had one 6-inch sandwich(subway melt) first, then my mom was quite full, so she wanted to share with me. She bought another subway melt, this time with all the veg she could lay her hands on except pickles, and it was honey mustard this time. Hers was cut into half, she took one, I took one. So 6+3 inches=9 inches sandwich.

I'm not complaining..... I'm beyond hungry (breakfast was at 9. Lunch was at 2). Its really huge. I think that sandwich maker find me a but alien-like. I was asking questions like "which one is nice?" , "which bread is better?" , "can i have extra cheese?"(I didn't know they have cheese for sure) , and also questions like "how many veg can i choose?" , "where do i get my drinks?" . Hahahas... it' all alien to me, but i figured it out... I ordered a set, which turns out to be going $10(a drink, a sandwich and 2 cookies of my choice out of quite a variety).

Ok, that settled my lunch. Then about 4 hrs later came my dinner: Fish Head Pot. It's like a steamboat kind, near AMKSS, teochew kind of fish head pot. So there's this steamboat kind of pot, burned with charcoal instead of running on electricity. There's quite a spread all inside that pot. And we ordered an extra plate of food: Prawn Roll(something like spring roll).

My grams, my mom and I had more share of the food than we wanted to eat. The soup was nice, but it got salty towards the end when the ingredients were all in our stomachs. And they weren't satisfied and ordered a small plate of rojak. It wasn't that nice.. too watery and not enough sauce and ingredients. LOLZ!

But it was really yummy, that fish head pot. But I'm gonna stop for like a few yrs to go back there again. I was bloated like crazy.. I think I ate a few shares all in a go. Lucky the Pepsi calmed my stomach down. ROFL!

It was cool... had to go out for dinner cos Yi Hong, Yi Jun and Bei Nian took today evening's flight to Japan. She was asking if me and my sis needed anything. We couldn't think of anything, so we told her to get some Japan snacks back =) Gosh... I'm gonna miss them alot! And they're only back on my 1st day of attachment--> 3rd June'08

Y The Lady @
11:08 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Y

Alas I stayed through the whole credits, and caught the last 15seconds of Ironman (which was right after the credits). So for those who don't know it (me included until my sis told me about it), you would have missed it.

This is why i love and hate the game "Charade" From my sis' friend's mouth to my ears, I mistaken that 15 secs as 15mins. I was still sitting there waiting for more when the screen blacked out after that 15 extra seconds of scene. A bit taken aback, but i recovered... Getting the dvd anyway so it doesn't matter, and also when i still caught that 15 secs which I missed previously.

I caught Ironman the 2nd time today, just so i can watch 15 more seconds. That's one reason. Another reason is that I just can't get enough of Tony Stark aka Robert Downey Jr.(actor's name). To be honest, his character is so suave, charming, handsome, cool and a little funny(in a good way), not to mention rich. His car... Wow! Audi (The one with 4 Os chained together that reminds you of the Olympic sign?). And it's silver in colour! Totally Cool! Plus his own private jet... Okay, steered too far away...

Anyway, catching Ironman the 2nd time made me even clearer about the whole story.. There's this part where he mentioned "new chest piece". I wasn't sure what he was talking, until today, i finally got it(haven't got it much thought since the 1st time i watched until i watched that very part of the movie). The chest piece Tony was referring to was the electromagnetic device he created.

It was amazing... I juz can't get enough of Tony Stark... The actor.. he has this face which, to me, looks mysterious, charming, suave in his own manner, a little smug, cute in a matured manner, and a little disturbed. And when you put that altogether, it's a face you can't forget and will remember... And that's Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark).

Y The Lady @
8:48 PM


Quiz...What kind of wine am I? I am Chardonnay!

You Are Chardonnay
Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality.
You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex.
You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular.
Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).

Deep down you are: Dependable and modest

Your partying style: Understated and polite

Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat

Y The Lady @
11:26 AM

Sunday, May 18, 2008 Y

Made of Honour is Romantic, Funny, Sweet, Charming, Amazing, and did I mention Romantic? At least to me it is Romantic. If that kind of thing were to happen to me, that'll be WOW!

Don't take my word for it though, because it may be a great flick for some, it may not be for others. Like my mom. My sis and I thought it was great, but not my mom. I can't force anybody to like it, so, you be the judge of it. I guess part of the reason of not wanting to tell the story is because it hits home, at least for me... So much so that it set me thinking since that movie was finished. I didn't realize how much this movie could send me into my own thoughts, and my fantasized ideal life... But.....

This kind of thing never happens in real life --> Being in love with that somebody for as long as you could remember thinking that you are just best friends, and thinking that you and him weren't meant to be. And you're gonna get married and asked this best friend of yours to be your maid of honour. And in the midst of the wedding preparation this friend of yours swept you off your feet with nothing but the truth. But then at the end when you thought you're going to lose him by marrying somebody else, did you then realized that you've made the wrong decision in your life to get engaged to the wrong person, and that you and your best friend were meant to be right from the beginning.

A lady can always dream. =)


Y The Lady @
9:55 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008 Y

I've got nothing to do... and Thus I write this blog... I have no idea what to write... so gonna write something profound.

With power, comes great responsibility.. This is a line from Spiderman. At that point of time, when you read or see or hear this u may think that it's referring to Peter Parker's sudden gift of a super spider. But then, think back, it links to our everyday lives as well.

Power, can mean literally power, or the ability to do something. With that kind of ability, we have to have control over ourselves, and think is the next step the right thing to do? Or the right words to say? Just because you have the rights and ability to pinpoint something or someone, doesn't give you the absolute control to do it.

If that's the case, then you're blinded by that ability. You are no longer in control of that ability, but ur being controlled by that ability. This is what happens to us some of the times. You know that happens when after some time, you realized you could have done it better, or when you regretted it once the words left your mouth.

所以我们做每一件事或说每一句话时,都要三思而后行 (Think before we act or speak).


I recently got back my My Date With A Vampire Season 1 vcd from my uncle(after 2 years). And there's this part where a character is so filial to his mother that he refuses to admit his mother had passed on and insisted of bringing her back to life. And then when his mother killed two people, he denied that fact which stared right in his face and went about blaming the victims. And at the end, when his mother was being subdued by a slayer, he blamed everyone else for his mother's death and vow for revenge.

I personally think it's stupid.. seriously. It's a show and it's not real. But then, what if this kind of thing really happens? Ouch. Being filial to parents is what everyone should do, and everyone should not deny. It is the right thing to do. But being filial to such a state.... it becomes 愚孝(being blindly filial).

Y The Lady @
8:32 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008 Y

IRON MAN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a movie that goes on my 'unofficial-most-awesome-action-packed-movie' list. X-men trilogy is on this list of mine, and now Iron Man is on it too. The critics were good for this movie, and it's the best selling in both US and SG box office. You know what that means? It means that at least a few million people agree with me that ironman is a great movie.

It's not like other movies lke X-Men or Spiderman or Superman, or Daredevil.... Unlike X-Men-born with their powers. Spiderman-bitten by a genetic infused super spider, daredevil-blind at young age thus with more acute other senses. Superman-not from earth.

Cos iron man, this character isn't born with any super powers. He was chosen to be iron man. I quote a line(I think that's how it goes) --> "I shouldn't be alive. If I am, it's for a reason." This was what happened to him that made him ironman. It's his suit that gave him the name. Pretty amazing huh?

Another thing abt this movie, is that usually we get to see love scenes, kissing scenes even in superheroes movies? Yea, well this movie doesn't have those. You can still detect the love that hung in between the lines and the scenes, but nothing more than that. It's purely based on the whole idea of Ironman. And believe me when I say you're not gonna wanna take ur eyes off the scene once the movie starts. It has this power to capture ur attention and makes you put everything else at 2nd place, until you're done with the whole move.

A lot of cool effects and a great show to watch. A bit funny at a few parts(else it wouldnt be cool would it?) And best part, I get to watch this with my 3rd aunt and my two fav lil cousins. =) It was great, overall.

I would watch it again, or I'll get the dvd once it's out. No more vcd for this... dvd's the best cos you get to really be in that movie. Let's face it, vcd for this kinda movie, when you're suddenly cut off and gotta get up and switch disk, it juz kills the whole mood. This aint gonna happen for iron man.

*patiently waiting*

^_^ It's worth it!

Y The Lady @
12:56 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008 Y

Not being a good SLNE Manager? Guilty as Charged. It seems like forever since the last time I logged into SL(Second Life) and stayed there for at least an hour. Even though I still continue to update the event calendar, it seems always that my time doesn't permit me to do so.

Gayle was right, it is tedious work updating calendar, especially when you gotta do it over n over in the same procedures like a robot. I am a human, love to do something for SLNE, since I dont get on much. But sometimes when i feel really wrecked, I really do feel like a robot when I updated the events... Haiz!

Like right at this moment, thankfuly I finished the updates for this week, because I'm too sick to even get on and do the whole login-event-add-copy-paste-post thing. And I get sick everytime, there wont be a year that I wun be sick... =.= What's wrong with this picture? I seems like I'm like a sickness attraction person.. CHOI! CHOI! CHOI! =.=lll

At least after 4 days, it's starting to get much better. Sore throat was gone, just before the mother's day celebration at grams house on Sat(the usual gathering. Just that this time, the whole family was present. & I meant EVERYBODY!). And i stuffed myself with satay(10 sticks), and chicken, and half scoop of curry sauce on my beehoon. Well, ever heard of "Fight Fire with Fire"? That's exactly what I'm doing, and truth be told, I didn't get any worse. =)

Y The Lady @
12:39 AM

Tuesday, May 06, 2008 Y

I dunno what the heck I'm doing here, writing this...I guess I needed a medium to further let go.

I've let go, I know that it's true.
But every single time when I needed someone by my side, when I feel like crying(or really crying), whenever I feel the stress building up on me and there's nobody I can talk to......

I thought of you, thinking that everything is going to be alright if I were lying in your arms with you holding me tight as if you're not going to let go. With your lips buried in my hair assuring me that things are going to change for the better, and your deep and accented voice telling me you'll always be near.

But it's impossible. I know it, you know it too. That was why I decided to let you go, and you decided to leave.

Like right now, when I thought of the lovers in the world, I start to wonder if there is going to be that someone special that belongs to me. Just belongs to me alone. And me belonging to him forever.

And i start to wonder if in the past had I let go of a chance to be in love without knowing it myself? And sometimes I wonder, if we weren't born in different continents, or if I was born slightly earlier, or if you were born slightly later, maybe we would have a chance to make it work.


Y The Lady @
10:35 PM


After a long break... I'm back to school. And it felt like forever since I've last stepped into that school front door. Last Tue all the way to Sun(6 days) of no school... Wow! Can't imagined how i survived... Maybe Starbucks has something to do with it ;)

Back to school, and here comes to pressure again. Maybe I gotta write a song about it... "Back to the pressure but I'm hanging on. Building on the knowledge that might have been gone." LOL! ROFL! I can't think of any word to rhyme with 'on' for the sake of rhyming my lil verse.. hehs. =]

Thx to my lovely Miki, introduced me to an addictive game at! *angry* I can't stop thinking about the games (Sushi and Mahjong), even though Mahjong is still better played when you can actually feel the tiles. But i can manage that addiction... I managed to nt get addicted to ds and psp... oh yea.. psp, time to get it out and play FF7! Hhahahahs, kidding =)

Stress times...stress times... just that long break had to handle tons of homework(juz 4).. it's like being crushed, nope, more like drowned in the sea of summaries. Louis had a song called 'Sea of Darkness', and here i am, being drowned in a 'sea of summaries'. Thankfully that is all over. I came on the shore and can breath again! ^_^

Sure is good to be back to sch, honestly speaking, it's nt that bad, it's nt all bad... We always have laughs and fun, and if we don't get them that day, we'll think of someways to make it happen somehow. That's how 3D02 Rolls! YeeHaw! =D

Y The Lady @
10:05 PM