Saturday, September 29, 2007 Y
Song Composing & Writing...These days I keep posting non-stop... Hahas! :D Something about songs right now...Music is an essential part of everybody's noise.It certainly is a very important part of my life... All these while I've been writing lyrics, on and on and it's getting annoying when ppl kept telling me, ''FW, Y don't you add some tunes to your songs?"It's easier said that done...Really....Partly cos I'm skilled in piano, so if i compose I gotta compose for 2 hands(right hand for melody and left hand for harmony). And currently since my songs doesnt hav fix tunes, so whenever i take out my lyrics and sang, my melody for my songs changes everytime, cept for a couple of songs, which the tunes kinda imprinted in my head.So i see a few options open for me..
1.Send a few songs to Terry for him to add in the melodies just like what he suggested(this is definately a yes for sure! sweet ^^).2. Play my piano well and then the chance to learn guitar and use guitar to compose the melodies.3.Continue to write the lyrics w/o the melodies and that's that...From the options... the 3rd one seems as if i'm standing at a point without moving forward... Doesnt sound right... It's where I am standing at right now... But it's nt gonna be for life! For sure!It's like writing stories when I compose the song lyrics... I had tons of things in my head...Different scenarios, diff feelings, diff messages, diff settings of where my music should bring the listeners to(bring the readers to if it's story-writing).One thing about song is that you gotta make the words rhyme and at the same time convey the message you wanna send across, and also take note of the tempo of the song...Right Now I'm working on a new song... so far i've only got the chorus done up... Usually that's how i write... Chrous first and I work my way out and up and down from there... Cos to me, Chrous is the part where emotions reins supreme in the whole song...Here's a taste of it... :)
Trapped in the spheres of illusion,
Trapped in the mist of confusion,
With doors shut on me, & no place to turn,
Like I'm trapped in the subburns.
Trapped in the spheres of illusion,
Trapped in the clouds of emotions,
I'm losing ym way, & losing control,
Like I'm trapped with no place to go.
Title of the song... Spheres of Illusion :) I'm spreading out from the chorus... working my way out..
Sometimes i work from the top of the song...the 1st line... sometimes I started with the chorus... Sometimes I just start from smewhere and then later decide whether this will be the chorus or the beginning or the later prt of the song... :)
Y The Lady @
11:01 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007 Y
It's not easy to write a story.. I've been working on a story of mine for a few months and I'm getting nowhere with it... I stopped during a period of time due to writer's block. When i once again return to read through my work, I find the 'spark' gone, the enthusiasm vanished, and the story unfinished... :(
I never get the chance to write a complete story... for the past few's all bits and pieces... After stoping for a few weeks, I suddenly realised that no matter how hard I try to become a writer, I'm just not getting there...Maybe it was my wishful thinking, or I'm just simply being blinded by my own thoughts and interest that I failed to notice the simplest thing in the whole equation. All these time my stories are evolved around the supernatural, the unbelievable, becuase of the influence of X-Men and other movies that are my favourites... It seems really insane and crazy sometimes when I thnk back, of how my stories never left this genre before."Let the characters talk to you" was Tess Gerritssen's words(one of her many), and during my process of writing my own story 'Power X-Treme', I felt it! I really felt her words, I let the characters do the talking, their names and characteristics just came to me naturally as it is...But like a bullet train the feeling came, it whizzed past me. When I look over my unfinished story, I found the 'talking' gone. No doubt I can still produce a finished story, since i know how to continue it, because i had this whole planned out in my head. But that's the problem!!!I had a certain path in my head that i was gonna take my story to, and because of that, when i once again return to my story after the break, i still remembered where i'm heading for in the story.
But I don't feel the joy and enthusiasm to complete the story or even write it, don't feel the spirit to want to write the story, to stay up late just to write it, no more ideas came to my mind, it was all the PLAN that was in my head now, not the PROCESS of writing... :(When I enjoy the whole process of writing, I could produce a work and write out something completely deranged and completely out of the world, and doesnt make sense at that point of time. Then towards the end, loose ends are tied up. This is the way I want to write and this is the way I want my story to turn out to be... I want to write in this manner that I make things fall into place/explain themselves even without knowing that I'm doing so.However I can't stop myself from writing, just not 'Power X-Treme'... It seemed to have lost the magic on me... All I see now are 2 options: 1. Give up Power X-Treme. 2. Wait till the 'spark' returns... Either way, Power X-Treme will be left on the shelf for the time being...
Y The Lady @
11:40 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 Y
MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION...Be Prepared... it's gonna be a LONG post... So's the pics!1st of all, my thanks!1. Thanks to the girls... I had a wonderful afternoon... So srry due fam celebration at night, gotta change to lunch from dinner... 2. Thanks for the presents and treat from Adel, Val, Miki and Hui... Many thanks! :D3. Thanks for the CD-Rom... the slideshow was incredible...and srry i din cry :p I was laughing though... Hahahs!4. Thanks for the surprised New York Cheese Cake... I was bloated from my Chicken Lasagna but still did eat the cake... VERY Bloated afterwards... & u all REFUSED to help me eat... only took very very small mouths... 5. Thanks for posing for the photos and helping me take my lame shots(me drinking, me eating ice cream)Ok... Cafe cartel is a great place to go to for anyone who wanna eat until you're bloated, you're into pasta n western kind of food, you wanna chat while eating.. It's another option rather than Swensen, Jack's Place, The Ship... the price is about the same...Been wanting to go there for a LONG time... but always change venue for celebration.. so this time, finally gt the chance to go and taste the meal. Even Ms Ho(who loves to eat and knows alot abt places that sells fd) suggested and had gd comments abt the fd there... :) So it must be delicious! & IT SURE IS! BIG SERVING TOO!!! :DFine, I din pay for the meal, so how could i know abt the price? Hehehes.. I saw the menu of cos... for quite a long time, if i may say so myself :)We spent like 3 hours at Cafe Cartel... from 1pm till 4pm.. meal, chats, photos all inclusive... :D So fun! It was exhausting too... I juz had a 6-days marathon, before my birthday..and i woke up at 7+ to read a couple of b-day wishes... I would sleep more if i could..but i couldnt..maybe too excited.. Hahahs! :D :)The afternoon lunch was really incredible, i had great company... of course my mind was pre occupied too.... That can't be helped, these things u cant control...Anyway..............
Let's talk about the CD-Rom... Thanks to Miki for the CD... Watched it on Adel's lappy... Her intention was to make me cry, but i din.. Crying in public just isnt me... and Crying... i nid the mood to cry. The mood at cartel was too happy to cry... We laughed at the slideshow as the pics were shown one by one.. ALOT of me n Miki's "couple" shots... Hahas!We're so into photo taking, plus we live so near, and equally everytime any gathering, we would go hm together, then wherever we go, we juz snap a shot... funny shots, cute shots, candid shots, cool shots ...Hahs! You named it, we might just have it! :)& Talk about being over bloated! The cheese cake was right after the slide show.. I was just talking to the girls, then suddenly the waiter put a slice of cheese cake in front of me! I was truly shocked! That's a gd surprise..without actually yelling the word 'SURPRISE!' :) Really well covered.. they nv spoke about it, they never mention anything, they never let me suspected anything like this from them...Since i din cry, so i try to eat as much of the cake as possible, with the help of 2-3 glasses of water...Hahahahs! Nt that i cant swallow... well, partly cos i cant swallow, also because i nid to stomach something which is CHEESE AGAIN!?!? Straight after my main course...WHICH WAS ALSO CHEESE COVERED...... LASAGNA!!!!!The celebration din end there...well, for my frenz it did.. for me, there was a round 2. I was telling them, 'oh boy, i doubt i have the stomach for my dinner'... I was totally stuffed!Dinner....with my family: mom, dad, sis n me. Headed to AMK Hub.. Could hav gone from J8 Cartel, but i nid to put down my stuff and take a break frm all before round 2 startes. Went to ''Dian4 Xiao3 Er4''..which was a chinese restaurant...quite small inside, no wonder the Queue was so darn long... because insufficient tables and chairs.Of course, the fd was also delicious. It was just right beside ''San3 Zhong1 Liang3 Jian4''.. the fd was abt the same... the usual stuff... I was still feeling my lunch in my stomach, so we ordered a 3-ppl set meal.THANK GOD we ordered that.. by the end of it we were all stuffed! And of course, all fd were finished, cleaned off the plates and bowls! :D Watched abit of dancing(AMK Hub opening bash or something)...the dances were pretty gd..hip hop style. Dancing aint what i'm gd at, but i enjoy watching others dance or anything to do with dancing, like movies, shows etc...Was a heavy and exhausting day for me... 2 celebrations... hardly any breathing space btw the 2. Was so crashed after the dinner... Stayed up a little to digest the fd, but slept earlier than usual(nxt day gonna wrk).Put on so much calories from the 2 meals, and THAT MUCH OF CHEESE.... Lucky i'm gonna work, stand all day, walk around all the time(gd way to lose some calories and fats)... ^_^ Right now, work is the sustitute for my gym workout! :DAlrighty! Pics away! :) Enjoy! :D
Y The Lady @
12:37 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007 Y

The table number! So Coincidental! It's the same number as my birth date!
& the gals swore it was not being arranged to be like this! :) SO COOL!!! :D

Me drinking water... Specially asked Hui to take this pic.... hahas.. :D
Me & Miki... :D The 'funny' shot..I know...nt very funny!

The Emo Val... Sigh... *shakes head*

The emo Miki... tsk tsk..Another emo person.. how can u look like this on my birthday?!?!?!
Y is everyone looking like this?!?!

Miki laughing wihen Val drinking water...careful dun spill!

Two sides?? Where r u looking at Val? Miki...tsk tsk, only see your phone but not me.
Only Adel and Hui cooperating with me the photographer!

Me & Adel

Hui & Miki
4 Belles with the b-day girl.... Hm...Y aren't I in the centre? Hehes... doesnt really matter...

The 4 belle without the b-day belle...
B-Day belle = Photographer ;)

Group Pic!
Left to Right: Val, Miki, Me, Adel, Hui(specially wore red! Hahahs!) :D

Taken un-noticed by the very skilled Miki.... hehes!

Val, Miki & Hui.. YAY!
LOL!!! Some serious laughing there...Hahahahas! :D
'Hiya!' + 'Cheese!' + 'Peace!' + Wide eyes and a huge grin = What you see in the pic...
Hehes... ^_^

Surprised Adel..Candid!

Val & Miki...fancy photo taking style

Adel, Val and Hui..Heads together. 3 heads are better than 1! ;)
Miki & Hui...slanted... fancy photo taking skills again
Me & Miki: wide-eyes pic
Me & Miki

Me & Hui
Me & Adel...& her beautiful new wallet..with the cute little picture!

Me & Adel
Adel & Val

Adel & Miki

Adel and Hui
Labels: Pictures at B-Dday Lunch
Y The Lady @
8:45 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Y
My Shortened Version of my 6-days work marathon..**Finally! All 6 days are done up!**Monday:-Magnificant & Mega-Tastic Monday! Woohoo! My Luck was TOTALLY HIGH and we broke our sales record since the start of the fair, just Taka Square alone! I clinched over 1k deals alone(in total), so in love with Monday's sales results. Legs were sore from the standing(kept pushing sales)... Probably cos it's my 1st official day of work, so I'm so full of pep and naturally i felt great! Really great! Everyone was grinning so much when they all heard or saw the sales figure ^_^ Me inclusive! Had a great feeling of 'cheng jiu gan'(acomplishment)Tuesday:-Terrible & Tiresome Tuesday! My luck was DOOMED LOW and I received a news to go to Isetan instead of staying at Taka Sq. Fine...So i went. Oh boy! That place was seriously lacking something to capture my attention. My perk-up-and-do-sales attention. It captured my want-to-slack-and-relax attention more than I ever wanted.Staring right in front of my face is Mos Burger. On my left, beside Mos Burger is a bakery, and on the right, Pepper Lunch. Then behind me is McCafe! Every second I can smell the aroma of the coffee from McCafe, and everytime i turn and walk around, I will surely see the cakes and pies they have..Not to mention the Pepper Lunch commercial... Oh geez!Everywhere I turn, food stared right in my face.. making me even more hungry than ever. Had to settle for 1/4 piece of pineapple tart(rect kind) from 5.30pm to 7pm before I could have any dinner! Lucky McCafe played Hairspray and HSM1 songs for me, so the songs kept me company...still these songs din prevent me from looking at the clock every few minutes..Bad thing was that my back started aching like nobody's business, so did my legs...It's the FIRST time m back has ever ached, since I've worked there for dunno how long.. Probably cos at Isetan I stood for 5hrs without any rest of my butt...Sigh! That's sales!Wednesday:-Wandering Wednesday! Not wonderful today... but wander-ful... We wandered about the stall at Taka Sq and in our main shop inside Taka itself... Lucky today no calls from Isetan, so me, WeiFang(the tobalek of my name :p) and jing chun all stay at Taka, with my aunt. My luck was VERY only picked up a little bit during the evening!Pretty gd... Monday's Taka Sq is enough to cover for the losses we suffered inside.. Today's the opposite. The shop is sufficient to cover the losses at Taka Sq. Then while me and WeiFang closed the stall at Taka Sq(we were already covering up the stocks), a customer suddenly made a last minute purchase... We grumbled abit, but it pushed up the sales so what the heck!My back was aching even more than Tuesday, every few minutes I gtta do stretching(hands supporting on the mini table, legs straight behind me and lift my butt high and low to stretch my back) It's worse!!! SO WORSE!!! Yawning away as I'm typing this...Thursday:-Tiresome Thursday! I'm so dead beat by the end of the day... I kept yawning non stop till my cheeks were sore(ouch)... Thesales today was way better than Tue and Wed...Hoping that it would be like this till the end of the fair which is on 25th Sept(nxt tue)... I love today's attire... long pants, baggy top(maroon-purplish) and black kinda-sport shoes(no heels)... I'll take functionale over fashionable anytime... who says office wear long pants cant go with black shoes? My back wasnt that sore today.. after the back rub on wednesday night.. But now my knees are painful... both left and right... even just normal walking or just by standing up, they ache... =.-lllMy mom said it seemed alot tougher than before..and I gotta agree... i nv have back aches before knees pain yea, but definately not lower back.... Yawning, definately...but definately not lower backaches... *shakes head* Wonder how i'm gonna pull thru Fri & Sat when both days are till 10pm straight! Friday:-Falling Friday. No the day, but ME! I'm falling! My knees hurt even more today, my back still aches, and now my heels! It's head to toe! Today was also a little but freaky. Not hedious-looking-and-monsterous kind of freaky...freaking in a sense that we dunno if today would be as gd as yesterday...Bad thing about sales.. gotta keep worrying abt sales target, and also there r thousands of thoughts in your head everyday, the same ones: 'What's our target for today?' , 'Today average we must get how much?' , 'How much have we sold?' , 'How far are we from today's target?' , 'How far are we from the monthly target?' , 'Will the customers 'fang4 fei1 ji1(go back on their words)?' On and on the thoughts go... Where does it end? Nobody knows.And finally after hearing so much of the name 'YingYing'...I finally get to see who is YingYing... turns out, she recognized me, she knows me..but i dunno her. She knows me from the past(when i'm still young)... Hahas! :D Other than this happy thing, the other thing I've learnt today is a little but about real and fake diamonds... And the 4Cs of a diamond: 'Cut', 'Clear', 'Carot' and 'Colour'... And of cos another C, which is 'Cost'... Some basic knowledge r gd to know, definately! :)Saturday:So-Long Awaiting Saturday! Been waiting for this day for dunno how long! And it's finally here! I still get to wrk, and it's still till 10pm, bt at least after 10pm, it's the end of y 6-days work marathon! :D And of cos the special occasion of yours truly! ^_^Phew! Sun.... my fav day! Normally Friday is my fav day, but for this time, it's Sun. My only break, my b-day, my relaxation day, and many more! ;)Sales was pretty gd... average... we managed to break even with today's target, so quite happy! :) My back n knees r still sore..and I'm coming down with a case of running nose. Today everyone present at the teahouse were sick: My aunt, my cousin, me and another staff... bad luck! OMG! I'm the lightest case of flu(occasional sneezing and alternating blocked nose)... my cousin's case was much worse.
Y The Lady @
12:06 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007 Y
Counting down to Work Marathon... Hm...*mental counting*.... That will be.... TOMORROW!!!!!It's not that bad, I guess... I love going to Taka and help out, but normally I'm dressed in my own comfortable clothes: top, jeans, sport shoes, jacket, mp3...But tomorrow...No jeans, no sport shoes, no mp3...instead, being replaced by the uniforms
It's been SO Long since I've wore a skirt there... Can't bargain cos it's part of the uniforms. I'm just glad that the top finally changed into something more comfortable: Dark maroon purple-ish polo tee, which I just happens to have one identical. Instead of the previous top which is some sort like a business outfit, 3/4 sleeves, white top with blue n grey stripes(can u imagine?)I must be out of my mind to agree to do this.. :X Ssshhh.... Well, I know it's like the busy week(last week of the autumn fair), so I agreed to help out... And thus, the need to sacrifice some stuffs. SL for one(all the gigs!), and the chance to actually chat with my penpals(provided he's online.. and the other's gonna be so late when i reach home, where do i find the energy to reply the mails?)Then again, the thought of 'helping out', 'making some money' and 'not rotting at home' gave me the extra push to work. Humans! So weird! :p *cross fingers* Plz let me be awake tml, and let the business be as busy as possible!Weird huh? When you're at sales, too busy, you'll complain. Too free, you'll too complain. But for me, the busier the better, at least time flies faster and even if my feet hurt, at least I moved, instead of just standing there like a walking zombie looking at the crowd passing me by but ignoring me.
Y The Lady @
9:37 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007 Y
A sudden urge to start writing something in my blog.Let's Talk About Love...L, is for the way you look at me.O, is for the only one see.V, is very very extraodinary.E, is even more than anyone that you adore.Case Scenario(dialogue):Guy: Hi honey, I think I'm in love.Girl: Hi hun... :) You think you're in love? :o With who?Guy: With you silly.Girl: Aw... that's so sweet... You're making me smile like a goof... :)Guy: I think about you all the time!!!Girl: Me too, and I always look forward to your messages... :)Is this reall love?People have different views on the words 'I'm in love'... Thinking about somebody, missing someone, wanting to spend time with that person..that is love to me. But who really knows whether you're in love or not?Let's talk abt the case scenario: the guy and the girl... started out as strangers, then become frenz and shared secrets with each other, and now...possible lovers? Isn't it wonderful?This is the wonder of love...someone out there, be it of the same block as you, same class, same school, same country, different country, is meant for you... Falling In Love is something everyone wanted and wished for, whether if it's passionate, or subtle, it's a fact that there r existence of 'LOVE'...Of course, it'll be REALLY amazing if that somebody you love loves you back... creating a miracle, starting a whole new story together. People say marriage is when 2 hearts begin on a new journey, but I wanna add in something else.Marriage IS indeed the start of a new chapter in the book of love, but so is Dating(in love).. No matter where we are, no matter what we do, new chapters are always there for us to begin writing, whether as a soloist or as a duet.
Y The Lady @
10:42 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Y
Yesterday was totally exhausting, this is how I felt for the whole day.. Quite eventful too.Straight after my piano, went to taka... stayed ther from abt 11am till 7pm.. 6HRS Straight! And i helped out too, and familiarize myself with the goods for my Monday wrk...Then went to the airport(yes again), to fetch my dad home...The plane was suppose to be late, then according to my dad it 'zoomed' and reached earlier than expected..It took less than 20mins for us to arrive at the arrival hall, wait for dad, go collect car and out of the airport... Of course, the journey to airpot was abt half hr...After stopped wrking for like dunno how long, just 6Hrs can kill my legs already! I'm so sore, esp my heels...oh boy! *faint* *yawn* *yawn again*I dun mind if we're busy like hell...cos at least we're moving...keeps me occupied and busy and the legs wun hurt that much compared to standing. PLUS, time flies even quicker when were busy, cos time flies when you're having fun. Well ok, wrking sales isnt 'fun', know what i mean...For the sake of salary... Hanging in there.. Zeppoz, my dear i can truly understand hw you're feeling now, so tired. Hang in there too! :)
Y The Lady @
7:29 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007 Y
Louis Landon's NEWEST CD... Peace Revolution... Lemme tell you, the songs inside are AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! Come to think of it, ALL his songs are beautiful...I got his songs already... cos I was one of the ppl on the list that help make the cd ^^There was this pre-released party.. i bought the songs with lindens and then went 2ndtunes to get them. @ 1st thought it was hard, turned out to be so easy... Hahas! :DPromised him I wun share the music just yet, cos the CD aint out yet.. It's not finalized yet, so for now, only ppl on the list and who had bought the songs have them... I could just listen to them all day and not feel bored about them... It's hard to say which one is my fav... because all of them are so amazingly beautiful and you really felt calm and relaxed listening to them... Probably because it's solo piano, there's nothing else but piano, so the songs are in the kind of relaxed mode ^_^Can't wait for the REAL release of his cd... Even though I had the songs, I'm still gonna buy it in RL.. The ones i ahve right now isnt the finalized one... according to him there r a few bad notes...I heard those, but even though they're bad, but still they sounds great.. It's REALLY HARD to make something wrong sound right ;)The CD cover art is so wonderful... man! You have to see it to believe it.... The cover art of this new cd is so appropriate for the title of this whole cd: Peace Revolution. Louis' words: Love & Peace Always & Everywhere..... He's all about creating a more loving and peaceful world.. with his Unwind CD & Peace Revolution CD.. He's done it! Not to mention his own songs... Which reflected just this msg! :)Love and Peace! Isnt that what we all wanted?
Y The Lady @
7:33 PM
Sunday, September 09, 2007 Y
The long awaited High School Musical 2 IS FINALLY HERE! & I SERIOUSLY LOVE IT!!!I waited for the TV premieres, but I couldnt resist watching it online....the graphics... OH BOY! TV IS WAYYYYYYYYY MUCH BETTER! ;) But my pt is, after watching the front part of the movie on com, when it come to the real thing on tv, it still kept my interst up.. It's not like those kind of shows where u caught the front parts already, and when u catch it again, you simply just chunk it aside and do other stuffs until the rest of the parts(where u've nt seen before) come... So it's just totally amazing and exciting!It's abit different from the 1st one... in a sense that the first HSM(High Sch Musical) the songs are incorporated into the show because it's needed..This HSM2 is slightly different... songs are still incorported into the show, but the songs were made to be PaRt of the show...Like in the beginning, the whole class was listening to Ms Darbis 'singing'(lecture) and they were counting down to their summer.. So when the bell finally rang, everyone threw their books and papers high up in the sky to signify the end of sch and start of summer... then Chad(corbin blu) started the whole song of "What Time Is It" with screaming out 'What time is it?'....Songs are made to be part of the show... abit like Hairspray the movie... Hm, gotta watch it to know what I'm talking about..Anyway... HSM2 is really cool and amazing... All these time I'm counting down to the preimeres... My counting down is seriously ridiculous... I started counting down when I knew there would be a HSM2...Then my count-down became more fanatic. I started counting down on my calander, scratching off each day as they passed me by...Then about 1 wk b4 the preimeres, I started counting down the days... 7days, 6days, 5days, 4days, 3days, 2days, TODAY! How many hours... how many minutes... Thankfully I didn't go to 'how many seconds' :pIt's more of a musical this time round, the storyline isnt very clear, nt as clear as the 1st one...But BOTH OF THEM rocked my weekend nights!Totally love this series... It's always like a curse or something...the sequel of a show arent always as good as the very first one... This, I beg to differ. For High School Musical, it's EQUALL FANTASTIC! The songs are INCREDIBLY AMAZING! The energy level in this sequel is MUCH MORE than that in HSM1! SIMPLY LOVE IT! ALL OF IT! There's an encore next sat on disney channel for those who have scv but missed today's preimeres ;) Cheers! WOOHOO!!!AND... We're talking about summer here?? It's the greatest holiday ever in America... And it's something I really want to experience it for myself, if I have the chance... So watching this show, that is during summertime, sorta brings me closer to the real summer my penpal experienced it at USA... Brings us closer, kinda...Anything that is related to USA, I'm all game for it! ;)
Y The Lady @
10:22 PM
Saturday, September 08, 2007 Y
No Reservations, yet another movie about cooking and food... This has something more than just these 2.. This movie also comprises LOVE...Great title --> No ReservationNo reservation in food, no reservation in cooking and also, no reservation in love.In Food, there are no reservation. You cant tell somebody that 'I'll save that for later', because food is best when served on cue and consume on the spot... Of course we can say 'I'll save some for later', but there are no guarentee that the 'something' will be there later on...In Cooking, there are no reservation. Cooking to me is about expression, about comfort, about relaxation, about combining different elements and creating something extraodinary.. It's the time when people create dishes out of raw ingredients, how could there be reservation? If there were, then too much variables(countless) have to consider and in the end, nothing will be done right.What about love? In love, there are no reservation as well... It's much more complicated than food or cooking, because it's about the affairs of the heart. You cant reserve somebody whom you think may work out with you, or whom you think has a higher chance in having a future with. Because in the end, that person that you're reserving may went on other ways and things will not go as how you planned... It all comes down to one thing: Sometimes we have to risk it(maybe all) to have it our way, or make things right when things go wrong...It's a great movie, that's all I'm saying... I have no tribute to pay to this movie, unlike Ratatouille..Don't know why, don't care.. It's much more than Ratatouille because it sends out a message through the title of the movie...Maybe you can't see it, but that's how I see it as... The movie itself doesnt really do that much, it brings entertainment, but when I look deeper into things, it's what I see. Anyway......I'll let you be the judge of that! :) Speaking of no reservation, it linked up with something I've learnt recently...also about no reserving anything... In the fields of piano playing. All thanks to my idol and motivator: Louis Landon.In one of the recent SL Concert of Louis Volare(Louis Landon), he was trying out this song that he never played in SL before.. And it was great, as usual. He put up a wonderful and beautiful live gig that are music to our ears(if u dun mind the pun) ;)He talked about the song that he did, and he said, "Don't Take Risk, Don't Get Nothing Good"... He was talking about playing piano. And i remembered his words while I'm preparing for my Grade7. It worked wonders! Ok, so not wonders, but it worked just as well... I risked it all, no holding back when I played, just truly enjoyed the process of playing and having my own style(be myself)... This happened before I caught the movie 'No Reservation', and then I kinda sorta felt like it's a signal for me for my upcoming Grade7: No reservation when playing, take a risk, take a leap and just play! ;) Thanks Louis!
Y The Lady @
10:02 PM
Sunday, September 02, 2007 Y
Bonjour mesdames et messieurs! ;) It means 'Hello ladies & gentlemen'....My speech after seeing 'Ratatouille' the movie:
Ahem*clears throat*. Ratatouille is a show made for the world of culinary, for food lovers, food critics and chefs. It is a show that is inspiring, hilarious, colourful, captivating, romantic, touching, and of cos..TASTY! Yummy yum yum! ;) It is a movie that tells a touching story, which combines both the rodent world and the human world. With that, I leave you with the rest of my post...bonne nuit(good night!
I'm a Disney Channel fan...And believe me when I say I've watched the commercial and the 'behind-the-scene' footage of Ratatouille for MANY times! Almost everytime at the commerical in Disney Channel, something about Ratatouille will sure be shown. Yet, when it came to the real thing...It still makes me laugh and enjoyed the whole movie! ;) Incroyable!(means:Unbelievable)Im salivating just by talking about the movies, thinking about the food, and oh boy...!You have to see it to believe it mesdames et messieurs! Oh... And I strongly suggest you to catch this movie, on a FULL STOMACH. It is not for the faint at heart, or the weak in stomach *grin*.This movie takes place in Paris...A place where I love to visit someday, somehow.. A place where to me was a city of romance...After this movie, it strikes to me as a city of romance, scenery & culinary...If you are a food lover, YOU'LL LOVE THIS MOVIE because the food was so greatly captured! If you're a scenery lover, YOU'LL LOVE THIS MOVIE because the sceneries were magnificant! If you're grumpy and sad and depressed, YOU'LL LOVE THIS MOVIE because it will make you laugh, make you grumpy-less, sad-less, and depressed-less! If you are happy and lively, YOU'LL LOVE THIS MOVIE because it will lift your spirit even more! My point is...YOU'LL LOVE THIS MOVIE!I remembered a scene from the 'behind the scene footage of Ratatouille', somebody said something like, ''We want the viewers to feel hungry when they watch this movie". Well, they din gt me hungry, but they got me craving to taste the food... ;)I'm nt an official movie critic, it's just my point of view of this movie.. If you're someone who goes with the MAJORITY.. Then this is also a movie you'll want to put on your 'wanna watch' list.. Because tonight's cinema8 @ GV Yishun was almost full house... @7pm... It was full house, if you minus away the few most frontal rows and a few seats that's near the walls.Finally I got ze chance to watch ze movie I wanted, I'm nt disappointed, I'm satisfied...Très Satisfaisant(very satisfied)!It was...
This movie captures the little details which we fail to notice..whether if it's the drainage, the stoves, the fire & flames, the lightings, the fog at night, the water...They(the Pixar animators) captured all of these details, which make this movie such a treat for us to enjoy! ;)Au Revoir et Bonne Nuit(goodbye & goodnight)!
Y The Lady @
10:44 PM