Saturday, December 30, 2006 Y

Let the pictures do the talking baby!!!

tako aka alvin...finally wrapped up! ^^
WOW!!! Seriously, I've never regretted going....even if it was last min kind of decision... @ 1st it was supposed to be a chalet..then it became a BBQ, cos not enough ppl...Den it changed back into a chalet cos some of them dun wan BBQ, and it's very far away. But ultimately, it changed back to BBQ, and then it's held at ECP(East Coast Park). We could BBQ Till the nxt morning, sle in tent for those who were staying overnight(me excluded..i miss my baby bed).That day...i met them at Tamp Shopping centre @ Long John Silve The way they sat, i dun recognized any of those faces...those faces whom i remember sat at such a manner that i only see their back, which is nt of much help in guiding me to their table. Den i had a speed lunch of the Fish set, 2 fishes... within 10mins, i finished my set-the food and the drinks. Den we went arcade to look for those who went away after they had their meals. Gr8 thank you to Ah Luv and Inu who stayed with me ^_^The pit was C14....If u guys had never been to ECP, or hasnt been there for a long long long time like me, C14 is ALLLL the way at the back, WAAAAAYYYYYY @ the back, and we were walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking....But havent reached. By the tme we stopped(we're really exhausted), Mel and Ah Luv asked me whether i wanted to rent bikes or nt... I was really reluctant, but then a friend of another friend told us that Pit C14 is way at the end, if we walked, it's gonna take us all at least 20mins in that speed we were at(slow). So we rented the bikes. THANK GOD WE RENT THE BIKES!!!!!!We were cycling and cycling, me and mel together. And ah luv went ahead first in the 2-ppl bike with human(the nick of my fren 'humanlolz'). was a long way i tall ya'. You have to go there and walk or cycle to see for yourself. Even by cycling, it took us like 5mins to get to the place, with ppl walking in all directions... and all around us. :)Then i was the gift treasurer of the day. Adel was there already, with sam, nick, alvin, sylvia and alot more...Then came many... total no. was like gg 30. ^^ So nice! Online frenz taking a big step of meeting offline to know one another truely :) Anyway, Adel saw me and she told me to gather up the presents n number them, then make a bag with corressponding nos. to the one on the gift. It was meant for the gift exchange later. We ate a cake even before the BBQ started, to celebrate in advance of alvin's b-day...Chocolate cake..YUMMY!!! There were enough gifts for everyone, and I gt this very cute chip-with-a-container, from cute! But i dunno who was the one who brought tis gift(afterall it was lucky draw from the bag).During the BBQ....Hahas...there were a few grps. At first it was alvin, sam, nick and adel who started the 1st batch of fire.... Then somehow someone took over, den me, sylvia, mel and ahluv took over, then 'human', 'wolves' and his fren came to help and we kept on with it, serving everyone, and eating at the same time. The whole thing caught fire, cos of too much charcole...and it was like "Gosh, the fire!" Before that, it was said that inu was the game host, and she gt alot of games planned. She literally D-R-A-G-G-E-D me from my seat to the place where they were supposed to have the games. My hair was a mess, like i was a siao lang(crazy person), while tending to my cheese hotdog in my mouth and my hp which they were trying to snatch away from me to get me to join their games... =.- I almost fell, thank god to my leg which supported me on the ground, so i gave in(also cos they're younger than me, i should let them, since they're still kids) :] But in the end, no games were played...everyone was sooo starved!The food we had revolves around cheese hotdogs, crab sticks, satays, balachan squid, chicken wing, potato n sweet potato. And we had alot of drinks-coke, 7-up, green tea, lemon tea, mineral water, f & n orange and many more. :) We had a great fun serving others and ourselves.... So nice to be the one cooking and eating the food u cook... There was a sense of satisfactory and honour...Hehes.... >.<>
The gift exchange was after the BBQ and after we returned the bikes that we rented earlier the day. Cos it was really late..around 7+, and it was dark, and the pit was so far away from the bke shop, so we cycled very very very very fast. By the time i reached the bike shop, I couldnt feel both my legs. My legs were So SORE.....AWWW....Pain Pain Pain!!! I couldnt feel my legs, couldnt walk properly without feeling the pull. They all cycle so fast man.... Gosh..... So fast....... =.= Man....
Inu and her gang, one of them gt one of the dummy presents, and it was a roll of toilet roll...and then we all decided to wrapped Alvin, the b-day boy up! was a great fun juz sitting there, drinking and snacking while looking at them wrapping alvin up into a life mummy. Then they gt this pop thingy, which all the confetti comes out..yer, and taht became Alvin's mummy hair!!! Wooooo...... ^^ Then we all witnessed Alvin opening the presented from inu n her frenz....They REALLY took the time in wrapping UP the gift...and alvin also took the time to UNWRAP the gift...hahas...
The gift was bery big if u see it wif ur eyes at first.....Den as alvin ripped off slowly each layer...the present gt smaller. Hahas....we all actually had fun watching Alvin unwraps the gift, seeing his face when he found out that there were more layers under the one he had juz took off....Esp the girls(who gave the gift)they had the most laughs... ^^ Hahas....In the was only a hp keychain :) Alvin was like, "Y Can't you guys juz put it in a small plastic bag?" Hahahahahahahahs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D Oh man!!!! :D:D It was Seriously Wacked!
Anyway, we took 4 'family' photos... Some were nt in it, sadly. We're a family, cos online in HabboHotel, we belong to the kIdZ Family! ;) I was so glad that i belonged to this family :D If there's another meeting nxt yr, I'll be sure to be part of it, if time allows it! ;) Cheers everyone and kIdZ ROCKS AND RULES!!!
Y The Lady @
11:23 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006 Y
I went for my sis' class chalet...Din intend to stay overnight...but still did, for the 1st day. So i stayed till the 2nd day evening then my dad fetched me home. I had my share of fun...though i admit, i felt really extra over there...hahas...afterall it's my sis' frenz, and nt mine. I think if my sis were to go to my class' Chalet, she'l be also out of place. But ya know....i would rather spend time in chalet than at hm rotting. We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun...more like seasons in the rain. The only wet-blanket to this whole chalet was tat it was raining for that 3 days!!!!!!! Even during the BBQ on day 2 evening.We were all like thinking on the day of the BBQ, "we would rather let it rain now in the morning than later during BBQ." Well...the rained stopped for awhile, and then started up all again. At 1st, i gotta admit, their chalet lacked din felt right, like a chalet kind of feeling. Probably because of the rain, we stopped and changed alot of our plans, that's y it felt wrong. We intended to have a whole day of fun in Day2...At first it was the seeing of sunrise, followed by breakfast, then go Escape Theme Park, then go buy things for the BBQ. But cos of the rain and our fatigue souls, the plans were changed, cept for the buying of stuffs, cos that's a MUST!The usual Chalet was suppose to be fun and games and outdoor stuffs...but cos of the rain, most of the time spent in the 3D2N Chalet was in the room... XBox had become the centre of attention, esp to the guys, even the girls also. Like they juz came there for the love of XBox. But gotta admit, w/o the XBox, it's gonna be even harder for the guys to get thru that 3D2N...hahas :DNow then i realised...there are alot of hidden talents in my family. My sis, she has a hidden talent in playing XBox, the game 'Dead or Alive'(if i'm nt wrong)...She won alot of games, against guys and girls.... Her frenz also....anyhow press the buttons and Viola! You win like mad! We were all cheering for my sis when she was playing aginst the guys...even the guys also cheer for my sis... Hahahahahahahas..... :D:D:D We had fun juz by cheering and seeing how she beat the guys one after another...hahas! :D You Go Gal!Another hidden talent in my family is my dad. Now i realised my dad has a hidden talent in BBQ: Satay Barbercuing :) Dun play play man...on that day of the BBQ, my sis' class invited my father(cos he's the principal), and he started to "peng" the satays for the whole bunch of ppl. And wadda ya noe...he's really good at it. Potential satay man. The satay he made was such a blow to all the group. ALL of them said nice!!! Yummy, and it;'s seriously nice. I know my dad's a pretty good cook, who knows his cooking skills are the centre of attention at the BBQ. When they know it's Mr Foo who made the satays, everyone wanteda 2nd serving. Hahas!Seriously speaking, which principal do u know of that will BBQ Satay for a class of 20+ Sec2-going-Sec3 students, dressd in long-sleeved shirt, long pants and black boots? No way! He's juz a diamond in the of the rarest....and I'm sooo glad he came for that BBQ, and i went for that BBQ...Hahas, or else i'll miss his satays :)For that BBQ, i was in charge of nothing...or was i incharge of everything? I offered to treat the whole group their drinks for the BBQ, but they wanted to buy their own shares, so i juz bought the drinks for a few of them, me n my sis included, plus a few packs of chips, which came in handy. Then during the BBQ, all i ahve to do was to apply butter on all the food and BBQ whatever that was left un-guarded. :) Hahas, the potential butter-speading gal! Naw, jks jks. ;)Speaking of chips, thank god we bought those chips, esp Nachos(we were thinking of Doritos...) It was nice, and everyone wanted that pack. The hot and spicy one was left till the BBQ...The nachos was very welcomed by the ladies. I had the least no. of hrs of slp when i was at the Chalet, but that's the pt: Nt sleeping. I'm nt erally used to "nt sleeping", so i slept, same goes for my sis and a few others, guys n gals bth included. The bedroom was small, ardly enough space, but once they moved the bags to the stairs, the rm was JUZ nice. Beforehand, the told me that they're gonna watch sunrise(one of the reasons i went to the chalet was to see the sunrise), so i set my alarm for my phone at 4am, cos they say nid time to wash up, and leaving at 5+ for the beach. Who knows we were so tired, i was so tired. The alarm went off and eveyone juz stirred in their positions..I shut off n continued to sleep, so did some of them.Then i think i woke up at 5+ cos they were making alot of noise downstairs(the bedrm was upstairs) playing the XBox... at 5+am in the morning!!!!! I'm guessing some of them nv went to bed... I was struggling in my sleep, with another girl at my feet. @ first it was me, my sis n 2 of her frenz shared one single bed, and 2 guys shared another bed...By around 5+, it was only me and the other girl. And it was so cold, so FREEZING FRIGGINGLY Cold!!!!!!!! Lucky i had my jacket with me, but it was nt enough, but that girl, she had nth, and she was wearing a tee shirt and shorts. =.=lll Then there was a guy at the bed, happily hugging onto the whole blanket(or was it 2). Cant even get a lil bit from him. the time we bth woke up cos of the cold, it was i think around 6. A few of them already had their breakfast, at Mac. Then we chatted a lil bit, still on the bed, and then at arnd 7+, me, my sis, and 2 or 3 of her frenz slept again, this time gt blanket, and it wasnt that cold, though it still was. We re-woke up at 9+. Gosh! Those hrs of sleep w/o the blanket cantcompare to that 2 hrs of slp WITH blanket! :) I think that 2 hrs of slp was the best time we had ever! Then the chips came to do their purpose. They served as my breakfast, and for a few also....Hahas....cos scared later go out and eat, while its still raining, later dun have stomach for lunch and all.... :)Overall it was fun fun fun, though the rain was a really WET BLANKET!!! No pun intended. No pics were taken, but who cares? There are memories stored up here *points to head*. I only knew a few of them, and some din even know who i am, but at least it was alright :) Yep, it was alright!
Y The Lady @
12:15 AM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 Y

My enjoying my meal....Yummy.....(though tis was nt mine to be eaten...should be crabs...) :) OWell....
LiHan and Sharon enjoying their meals... Yummy... :)
ZiQi enjoying her main course....Japanese food! :) Mm...tasty as ever...
ZiQi enjoying her Chocolate ice-cream like Karine... Mmmm....Looks yummy!!! :D
Karine enjoying her Chocolate ice-cream like Ziqi...Yummy.....!!! :D
Me enjoying my Strawberry ice-cream at the Sch Alumni "Restaurant" Yummy.....Sweet!!! :D
IN RESTAURANT(above ones)
IN CLASS(below ones)

My name...well...nick name: Frost ^^ Check it out!

Sharon and Karine concentrating.... Still looks so chio even when it's candid! ^^

Jasmine, ZiQi and Lihan.... :)

The normal smiles pic. How i look at us, we look perfect in everyway! :)

The act cute pic...Hehes... Dun we all look Cuuuuttteeee...... ??? ^o^

From left to right: Jasmine, Sharon, Janice(Me), LiHan, Ziqi, Karine <--CS Grp Pic!^.^
Y The Lady @
11:50 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006 Y
Finally gt the pics, can update liao. Last day of sch was fun fun fun!!! We went to the Sch Alumni Place to have our lunch, cos we all had a 3.5hrs break...Aint it awesome??? We ate dere, den met some of our classmates. The food there was pretty worthwhile...But i gt served the wrong food... -.- Cant blame them actually. I snagged a piece of crabmeat juz before they swopped my food with another table de... Turns out the ppl there mistook soft shell crab as tempura.... Honest mistakes, cos where in the world can u find these 2 food, cept in Jap restaurants? Rite? Anyway, if there's a chance, i'm gonna try out the tempura(that day i ordered soft shell crab)...which looks better. The food there was pretty worth it and we are so bored that we started taking pics! :) Me and Sharon ordered Soft shell crab set, which comes with a big bowl of rice, a piece of watermelon, a bowl of soup and of cos the crabs and the sauce... less than $7 for one whole set...And we're talking abt soft shell crabs here. Karine and ZiQi ordered Jap food also, chicken or pork rice if i'm nt wrong. Then LiHan gt the fried rice :) Sharon gt herself one ice milo, LiHan gt a peach soda(i think), then me, Karine and ZiQi gt ice cream after our meal. :)We stayed even after we finished the food n chatted til the time's up! WooHoo!!!! :) So great fun!!! ^_^ The nxt fun was in class,the last class of the day, CS Tutorial! Tutorials are always fun, cos always have hands on activities! We had SO MUCH fun in the tutorial... And we finished wad were supposed to do early. Then we gt the camera in our hands and started taking pics again..Hhaas.... :D I think last day of sch there's tis virus....make ppl wanna have fun and enjoy like nv before..Hahas!!! :D:D:D
Y The Lady @
12:10 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006 Y
Heya everyone, Christmas is Cuming!!! Can't wait for it to come, seriously. It's sooooo cool!!!! Gd thing, is Christmas is my fv season of the whole yr, besides CNY.. ^^ Bad thing...gonna miss my boyboy and the rest for 2 wks... :'( But at least i gave them early Christmas present: Chocolates!!! Yummy.....Mmm.... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Y The Lady @
9:39 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 Y
Woop! Last Wk of Sch! YeahBaby!!!'s such a long time to go before the break begins...So many assignments due at teh same time...And most of them are arts n crafts. This is all when the bad things happened. Cos of the arts and stuffs....i couldnt get enough slp, plus my previous symptoms of flu coming.... =.= I've been surpressing the vomit feeling at hm, in sch, for like one week or so, maybe more.... And now finally it broke off. In sch, u cant really tell i'm sick or anything...I'm gd at that: Covering up anthing that is bad and can ruin my "rep" or can ruin my mood... :PLooks lke the flu caught up with the time and it gt break lose, like hell on earth. Couldnt feel much worse than this.....Insufficient of sleep, rushing of assignments, preparation of my music concert, studying for quizes, personal space on the net....All these are the causes of this goddamn gastric flu! >=[ Normally my med should be able to surpress everything down juz fine, but tis time i'm guessing it's pretty bad... :'( Sianz... Lucky is the last wk of sch.....gosh, but still nid to go see doc. WHY CANT THE FRIGGING FLU JUZ BREAK LOOSE WHEN IT'S MY HOLS TIME?!?!?! =.=If I'm still vomitting by tml, i'm nt going to sch man........ that's wad the doc suggests...I'm still waiting for a iricle to appear. Either the miricle appears, or i follow wad the doc say, "plenty of fluids and plenty of rest".
Y The Lady @
9:06 PM

Ah..This is the pic where we're all ready...But no matter wad, we're still 3 best frenz n 3 chio bu! :) Hehees....Taken at N.Y.D.C by ShiWei.

3 chio bu who weren't ready for the picture taking...See? We like wanna sleep liddat... -.- Taken at N.Y.D.C by ShiWei.
Me & XinYi @ Hallway To Esplanade ^_^ So matching......awww...
Me & Adel @ Hallway to Esplanade :D Hahas...we look alike, from the way we stand! >.<
Adel n XinYi @ Hallway to Esplanade :) Aren't they sweet?
Y The Lady @
8:20 PM